E34 M5



Original Poster:

40 posts

218 months

Tuesday 16th January 2007
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Am considering purchasing an E34 M5 and wondered what views there are out there on this model? Advice on what to look for / good points / bad points gratefully received!


6,896 posts

210 months

Tuesday 16th January 2007
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Its all you ever need to know about an E34 M5.

ButtMonkey Racer

453 posts

226 months

Wednesday 17th January 2007
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Buzzer - I picked up a v. nice 3.8 '94 lhd one last year. Jimmy C's going to ship it into the Billericay Triangle soon for a service so you can have a once over then mate. Knowing DK it'll be there a while.....rolleyes


669 posts

220 months

Thursday 18th January 2007
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I owned one of these cars as an eveyday vehicle for two years. It was the most complete car i ever drove, including track stints in an XKR, Viper, Exige, and a couple of Ferraris. I did, however, get on very good terms with the local BMW dealer - who I must say provided far better service than any specialist, including the fabled 'Munich Legends'. If you want to know more about my experience of them please e-mail me on shah_k_a@hotmail.com. The car was fantastic in all weathers, and will be your best mate on the road. It will never try to catch you out even when the tail moves at 75mph. The engine is incredibly economical - I averaged just over 20mpg going from centre of London to centre of Birmingham in an hour and three quarters (rush hour), and would make 400 miles on continental trips. It seems short of torque at first and you learn that diesel hatches will keep up in gear - but only for a bit!! Few cars have it's reach though, and not even a Type-R Honda has such a wild last 500 rpm, it is a true racing motor. Everything else goes backwards eventually!!, and you just sit there and listen to the most extraordinary sound. At idle, the infra-bass burble would set off Passat alarms and anounce my arrival from 1/4 mile away, yet it wasn't obtrusive. At 6000 rpm and revving hard you couldn't compare it's sound in a tunnel with any other volume production engine, a snarl so aggressive it really gives you shivers. There are no pattern parts though, & even the auxillary AC fan would have been £1k fitted from BMW>


5,279 posts

271 months

Thursday 18th January 2007
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Munich Legends have got a 3.8 LE for sale that needs a bit of TLC... £6,250 on 83k miles! It's so pretty and I could probably almost have a straight swap with my Civic and get the work done. I think I need to go and think about something else until it's sold and temptation has been removed!!


6,896 posts

210 months

Thursday 18th January 2007
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I was down there today, wether was terrible so could not see the car. As the owner of the car in Evo this month I am not sure that I want another M5 LE, but as a fun project to work upon it could be fun if not a little expensive. Be careful of buying anything other than a decent M5!