Present from Santa

Present from Santa



Original Poster:

2,424 posts

256 months

Sunday 24th December 2006
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so who else on here is hoping santa will bring them a new M3 sometime in 2007?


8,353 posts

274 months

Wednesday 27th December 2006
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x5x3 said:

so who else on here is hoping santa will bring them a new M3 sometime in 2007?

Santa was early for me this year...


5,974 posts

222 months

Wednesday 27th December 2006
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Ah yes, a new M3 will go down a right treat.

The ghost of Christmas ruin was here for me on boxing day ! hehe

Hope you get all you wish for in a new M3.

And yes that is the Houses of Parlement in the background. Bloody thing broke down right in the middle of Parlement Square !


Edited by M3John on Wednesday 27th December 15:28


215 posts

222 months

Thursday 28th December 2006
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Oh no john whats happened, sorry i never made it was hung over being christmas an all.
Doesnt look good, hope its not too expensive, top effort on picture though.
see u soon


5,974 posts

222 months

Thursday 28th December 2006
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daniboy said:

Oh no john whats happened, sorry i never made it was hung over being christmas an all.
Doesnt look good, hope its not too expensive, top effort on picture though.
see u soon

No worries mate. Just be there in January !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


5,215 posts

246 months

Thursday 28th December 2006
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Been there John! I mean EXACTLY there! Know the feeling!

Many years ago I was sitting stuck in traffic on Whitehall just before it goes in to Parliment Square
in my very first car (a 2002tii) feeling as pleased as punch with myself. I glanced across at the bus stop next to me to see the whole queue of passengers pointing to the underside of my car. Thankfully, I didn't flick my fag out of the window before going to investigate as a fuel line had come off discharging most of the contents of my petrol tank all over the road!

Imagine the embarrassment? tumbleweed

Good thing is that location the Police do make sure you're not left hanging around too long!

Hope it's nothing serious!

Edited by derin100 on Thursday 28th December 15:11


144 posts

233 months

Thursday 28th December 2006
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Well I did not put my name down for the new M3 this year. However I did buy this for myself for christmas to cheer me up whilst on a 28 day driving ban....

M3 Evo


5,974 posts

222 months

Tuesday 2nd January 2007
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derin100 said:
Been there John! I mean EXACTLY there! Know the feeling!

Many years ago I was sitting stuck in traffic on Whitehall just before it goes in to Parliment Square
in my very first car (a 2002tii) feeling as pleased as punch with myself. I glanced across at the bus stop next to me to see the whole queue of passengers pointing to the underside of my car. Thankfully, I didn't flick my fag out of the window before going to investigate as a fuel line had come off discharging most of the contents of my petrol tank all over the road!

Imagine the embarrassment? tumbleweed

Good thing is that location the Police do make sure you're not left hanging around too long!

Hope it's nothing serious!

Edited by derin100 on Thursday 28th December 15:11

Hi Derin, well, i'll second that about the BiB making sure that your not hanging around for too long i had an `unmarked tourist` come over and very descritly show me his badge along with a few of them from the Houses of Commons had walked over specially to see me and said that all the cameras in there were going mental with this `random car` parked right outside hehe but, to be honest they were all very understanding once the situation was explained and one of them even asked to have a closer look at the car and said to me that it's probably the nicest he's seen. Well it brightened up my day a little.

As for the problem mate, it's to do with the SMG unit. I had the unit replaced in November `05 and i was getting a bit of a blip in performance at intermittant intervals. The easist way to describe it is like a HT lead breakind down BUT only on the gear change. My Indipendant specialest` are pretty sure that i've a strong case for a warentee claim but they've got to be 100% not 98% if you know what i mean before they give the car back to BMW.

Derin You Have Mail sir !