Big career decision



Original Poster:

162 posts

19 months

Wednesday 26th June
quotequote all
So my company (company A) took a chance on me 3 years ago in a career change sponsoring my conversion degree (which was paid for by apprentice levy so I don't need to pay back). Since passing my degree I expected to receive a promotion and a jump in just £2k extra and no promotion......Over the last 12 months I feel have learnt nothing in all honesty despite mentioning this to my manager on two occasions over those months. Also the commute is 1 hour 10 minutes each way.

Annoyed at my recent lack of development and growth I started to reply to messages on LinkedIn about new roles. Had an interview at company (B).....the director and manager I met were fantastic, were really keen...offered me a 25% payrise and a promotion to the position I wanted at company A. The project I will be working on is just 30 minutes each way from home.

Put my notice in to go company B....however the director at company A called me to say they don't want to lose me and have a project that starts in 6-7 months time (planning permission dependent when it will commence) just 15 minutes from home and they will increase my current pay by 20% (so 5% less then company B but works out at just £2-3k a year less then company B are offering).

A dilemma is my wife is pregnant. Company A if I stay I get 4 weeks maternity plus all the holidays I have over (2 weeks extra) B I get just 2 weeks maternity leave (and nothing more as won't have holidays to use). Another dilemma is that I'm going to a new company in a step up in grade working with people and processes I don't know instead of company A where the step up will be guided by manager and processes I know. Not to mention I feel I owe company A for giving me a chance in the first place in a new career / industry.

I'm torn tbh as the old saying better the devil you know, the big paternity difference and a sense of owing them for giving me a chance but then the challenge of working with someone else will be beneficial to my development.

Thoughts please on my decision??


Original Poster:

162 posts

19 months

Thanks for the comments all.

Last Friday I told my director 'thanks for the offer, but no thanks'.....going with option B. More I think of it the more I think my current company were mugging me off.