Interesting times at work



Original Poster:

204 posts

138 months

Thursday 20th June
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Working for a small business manufacturing and selling stuff online b2b / b2c also via the usual online market places. Was properly busy during Covid, no furlough or work from home for me. It's all gone a bit quiet over the last couple of years.

We appear to be having a bit of trouble paying suppliers - some raw materials either arrive late or don't arrive at all, phone calls received from suppliers asking for payment - not all politely.

I don't know much about accounts but we are getting funds from our bank on the despatch of orders based on a percentage of invoice value prior to actual payment - it this a normal thing? Month end tends to see a rush to get stuff out the door even if some orders go incomplete just to get the numbers up.

It is going to be interesting to see how this pans out....


Original Poster:

204 posts

138 months

Friday 21st June
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Thank you for the replies, they do rather confirm my thoughts.

We have some long established production for 3rd parties - stuff we know we can do. We had picked up more of this recently from a new client, but I think it's turned out to be slightly more troublesome than was expected and probably not the volume necessary to help enough. The problem with 3rd party work is they want stuff asap and right first time....