Job for (soon to be?) ex cop



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68 months

Monday 23rd December 2019
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After doing the job for nearly six years ive reached the point where ive had enough. There are no development opportunities and I feel like ive been doing the same thing day in day out with no hope of a reprieve.

I have applied for internal jobs to no avail and feel the overall situation is having an adverse effect on my health. After having it out and laying the situation bare with a supervisor recently, nothing has changed and I dont think it will for the foreseeable.

Ive found myself looking at job ads online but I fall into the typical trap of being unskilled and without a degree.

Which sectors (preferably not door staff/ security related) are particularly suitable for ex cops? Any businesses impressed with this type of experience? Or any ex cops who feel the world is a lot brighter after leaving the job behind?

I dont currently want to leave but im finding very few reasons to actually stay.


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96 posts

68 months

Monday 23rd December 2019
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Im in my mid 20's so there's plenty scope to retrain. My current thoughts would be to do a course in mechanics and potentially a uni course, money permitting.

I dont think there's any kind of mentor support. I do have people I could ask for advice mind so that is an option. My main issue is I havent enjoyed my job for at least three or four years. I had come close to quitting a few years ago for the same reasons but didnt after several promises were made which led to nothing. So nothing's really changed since then.

I do feel sometimes I wasnt quite ready for it, starting at 18. I wouldnt rule out the possibility of leaving and coming back once id done a few things and squared myself up.


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96 posts

68 months

Monday 23rd December 2019
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Currently in response so on the frontline, so to speak. I am interested in counter terror jobs but would need to make some lateral moves first which I havent been successful in so far. And im just not sure I would be up to taking on such a role at present anyway.

Making a geographical move is something id considered but had hoped to avoid. I could move but I wonder whether it would simply be a superficial change without addressing the root issue


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96 posts

68 months

Monday 23rd December 2019
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bristolbaron said:
Why did you want to get into your current job?
What do you enjoy about it?
What don’t you enjoy about it?
What transferable skills would you like to take into a different job?
Why haven’t you got the internal jobs you applied for?
What jobs have you been interested in that you’re unqualified for?
It was something id always thought about really, it seemed like an interesting choice.
Pros - I like the freedom of being able to drive about, its fairly social, decent shift pattern, it can be interesting, good pay, pension, conditions, etc.
Cons - stressful, can be extremely busy so can be easy to get behind on paperwork, the public, useless management, lack of development (so far)

Skills wise, im not sure. Ive got good communication skills I suppose, can deal with volatile situations calmly, well written and professional. Nothing hugely tangible though.

I havent gotten the jobs as im a bit rubbish at competence based applications and selling myself. I dont have the investigative experience required for some things.

I guess im mainly sick of where I am and am just frustrated at not being able to get myself anywhere else. It seems like ive reached an impasse and my motivation (which would be helpful) has dissipated rather noticeably


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96 posts

68 months

Tuesday 24th December 2019
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carreauchompeur said:
To the OP-

Definitely, definitely don't just jump ship. You'll regret it if you do, IMHO.

A few years back I took a career break- To be honest I was so disillusioned with working in CID that I fully expected not to return, and was intending to start a new life teaching in S America (Honest!)

After a brilliant 18 months skipping around the world, including an epic final 6 months with a semi-paid teaching role in the Galapagos Islands I began to consider that I wasn't quite ready to not do it again and came back in a completely different role on a rural response team. Now, nearly 3 years later I've built another string of experience and I'm in the throes of joining the Roads Policing Unit nearby.

A career break will give you the space to explore other opportunities, and the security of being able to come back.

Never get promoted too early, there's way too much fun stuff to do as a PC/DC.
A career break is definitely something I hadn't considered until this thread. I like the idea of getting a breather and being able to come back.

Really appreciate the advice so far. It's hard to look at things objectively at the moment so its good to hear different perspectives.


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96 posts

68 months

Tuesday 29th March 2022
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I thought id revive this thread, not necessarily for more advice but just to document my experience.

More than two years after my OP, my thoughts re leaving have returned. Or, more accurately, I've lost the ability to keep ignoring them.

I have been in two different office jobs since I last posted. In reality, both were very cushy and in my current role I don't have to do a great deal of work.

But i can't focus. All I think about is leaving and tbh that has been the case for most of my 8 years. I've managed to soldier on but with a young family now I would prefer to take a hit in wages and spend more time with them.

Logistically, I'm probably 3 - 6 months away from leaving. I'll make the necessary arrangements before I hit the exit button and it'd be handy to have some extra savings too.

My long term plan is still up for negotiation but I'll update the thread as things go. I'm sure there are plenty of people in my position who have had similar thoughts.


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96 posts

68 months

Tuesday 29th March 2022
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Career wise, I'm undecided. I would consider doing an apprenticeship but haven't made any firm decisions. In the short to medium term I'm happy enough just doing a job that pays the bills. I've got some options in that regard, they're mainly driving jobs so not really related to my current job which I'm OK with.

I get why people stay and with your service it would be a rough call if you're unhappy. I think 4 years to go isn't too long in the grand scheme of things although it might feel like it.

My issue is I'm unmotivated. I applied for a CT Intel Job last year which I didn't get. I was relieved when I got rejected though. Its as interesting a job as I'd seen and as soon as I applied I just lost all enthusiasm for it. If I don't want that job, I don't want any in this organisation realistically. I'm OK with that. Its been bubbling away for years and I really think my time has come to an end.


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96 posts

68 months

Tuesday 29th March 2022
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I think the career break sounds like a good option but I don't think it would work for me. You need police permission for every job you'd take during the break, you're still very beholden to them. I think I need a clean break, a defined end to my service rather than a strange compromise.

I pay about 13.5% in and the police contribute around 23%. So a lot goes in. The way I see it, I have a good pension pot already which provides some security. I'm 27 so there's plenty of time to invest in other ways if I'm giving up the generous pension


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96 posts

68 months

Tuesday 29th March 2022
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nordboy said:
Trendsetter said:
My issue is I'm unmotivated. I applied for a CT Intel Job last year which I didn't get. I was relieved when I got rejected though. Its as interesting a job as I'd seen and as soon as I applied I just lost all enthusiasm for it. If I don't want that job, I don't want any in this organisation realistically. I'm OK with that. Its been bubbling away for years and I really think my time has come to an end.
I know what you mean, my boss has already said that he's planning ahead and he would transform my post into staff and he'd cleared with the head of dept that I wouldn't need to apply, just walk back in.

BUT, I'm like you, I do love the job, but I don't love the organisation, the politics, bureaucracy etc. that's why i'm really hoping I can leave fully. But who knows, may need the job in 4 years?
That quote of mine is the most telling I think. After the interview I became really anxious. I dreaded the thought of getting the job even though it really interests me. I realised after that that I'd pretty much reached the end of the road.

It's good to have the security of knowing you have something to go back to if you want. But I think its that security that stops a lot of people leaving. Better the devil you know sometimes. But I can't work on like this. Not for another 33 years anyway!


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96 posts

68 months

Friday 1st April 2022
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nordboy said:
Back on topic

OP, you could do worse than check out the civil service job website, there's hundreds of jobs on there and even I've found a couple I (a cop) could probably do. I'm not CID background, if you were then there'd be loads more investigation type jobs available.
Maybe worth a few minutes of your time?
I worked in the civil service previously and know people who still do so thats a fair idea. I can see a few jobs in there I could most likely do.

I feel that I wouldnt struggle to get a "proper" job with my experience. I think I have a rough exit strategy which I won't go into at the moment. But it has been interesting checking in on this thread every few months to see whether I've changed my mind and I haven't.

So I will update this as I go but things will move slowly for a while I suspect


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96 posts

68 months

Friday 1st April 2022
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Chicken Chaser said:
OP, drop me a message.
I've sent you an email, cheers


Original Poster:

96 posts

68 months

Wednesday 22nd June 2022
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I do like to try and keep this thread updated. I think its interesting capturing a snapshot of how things were at a particular time and seeing it later.

My first applications are now away and I have an interview lined up. All for different things I guess but the important thing for me is work life balance rather than the job itself.

There have been some interesting points made so far, especially from people with more service than me. All I can say is that my time in the job is drawing to a close and I'll be off as soon as I've gotten a suitable offer of alternative employment


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96 posts

68 months

Monday 26th February
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LosingGrip said:
Funny how things change in less than a year. I'm now dreading work most days and don't enjoy it.

Department is toxic at the moment. Staff numbers are stupidly low (I'm often the only PC plus a Sgt).

Now actively looking for a new job.
I actually meant to try and keep this thread updated but lost my motivation after my job search stalled a bit.

After a year and a half out I've accepted a position as a trainee financial adviser. I've done various jobs along the way but I think this is one I'll stick with for a good while. It seems like once I've qualified (in a year) the money will be good but it's a job which interests me and its self employed so I'll have more control of my working week.

If you want to leave, my suggestion would be to try and organise it now before you hand your notice in. Whether that's doing some training for a new job or just sorting your CV and handing it out.

I don't know where you're based but I've definitely seen opportunities for advanced drivers if you want a driving job. Companies do value ex cops but don't make the mistake I did and think they'd come and find you! Put the work in and you'll find something better.

I know handing your ticket in isn't that easy, but even try another department or back to response. When I left, I was happy I didn't want any other jobs inside the police although my last roles did extend my time by a couple of years.

If your health is suffering remember to put yourself first. Take some time off or do something which will raise your mood a little. Going to work miserable is a sure fire way to burn you out.


Original Poster:

96 posts

68 months

Wednesday 28th February
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The Dictator said:
I haven't commented to date, but spotted this message and it peaked my interest.

I joined the police at 26 and left at 29 due to an injury sustained on duty. I am now 47 and after trying a variety of different things including Aston Martin, BSI and some smaller organisations; I ended up joining SJP and going through their academy to get my professional qualification.

I wonder if that is what you are doing? I left them after 3 years and am in a small IFA now and have been for 3 years. I am earning twice what I did in the police, don't work shifts, don't risk getting assaulted at work and am generally far far happier.

I may be able to offer you some insight, so do feel free to get in touch if you like.
Ive sent you a pm, cheers


Original Poster:

96 posts

68 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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LosingGrip said:
Hampshire are looking for direct transferees into would mean moving but half tempted.
It would probably be worth considering what that move would actually achieve? I remember that you enjoyed the job but were struggling with the Resourcing/ workload pressures. I would have thought if a force is recruiting for direct transfers into traffic it would be because they can't get anyone from their own force to apply.

So if that force is having the same pressures you're trying to escape, you may end up in the same position in a year's time.

I would try and establish what you want to do and what money you need to make and see what fits. I got a lot of recommendations for security/ council work but it never really interested me. Whereas if you can do some training while in the job to move to something better it makes the transition much easier