Trainee train drivers wanted...

Trainee train drivers wanted...



Original Poster:

89 posts

189 months

Tuesday 15th January 2013
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If anyone's looking for a new career it's worth a go

Theses vacancies are rare nowadays


Original Poster:

89 posts

189 months

Thursday 17th January 2013
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Train travel is so expensive not because of staff costs its about the profiteering of the TOCS / Network Rail management bonuses / ROSCOS etc
Plus the coddem govt stategy is to take away all govt subsidy from the industry & this is why we see such huge hikes in fares recently, at a time when they waste huge amounts on foreign aid !! Plus they compare our railways with European railways which have had huge amounts of govt investment over recent time when we have reduced our investment in the railways....


Original Poster:

89 posts

189 months

Thursday 17th January 2013
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I'm amazed by all these stories of drivers earning 100k !! There are rules & guidelines regarding hours worked (hidden rules). They dictate maximum hrs worked / maximum breaks between shifts & working 13 days continuous etc
Plus not all companies have rest day working & Sundays are part of the working week ! We have 2am starts on earlies & 2am finishes on lates plus night shifts.
The average toc pays around £40k - £45k only a few pay around £50k such as Virgin and cross country, so I dunno how they can hit £75k !!!!!!

All I can add is don't believe all you read in the papers, plus the condem hate all unions so RMT AND ASLEF are attacked for being strong unions that protects staff conditions !!


Original Poster:

89 posts

189 months

Friday 18th January 2013
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I know loads of driver that have had over 2 fatalitys in the career and are still driving, that's why I said don't beleive what the papers say about the industry.
We have a real mix of drivers some graduates & a few ex teachers, a lot of ex military seems to get into the industry. Most have got to quite high ranks in there previous careers, so the requirement departments look for a type of person that can cope with the job.
You have to be willing to learn new things, be punctual & able to work silly shifts that can vary daily.... Having real world experience & common sence help aswell !
Having a degree doesn't mean you deserve a job as so many people have them so they look at the character profile of the person for this career.


Original Poster:

89 posts

189 months

Friday 18th January 2013
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Here are opertunities all over the UK, it's on freight not passenger services


Original Poster:

89 posts

189 months

Wednesday 3rd July 2013
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Just been informed freight liner heavy haul are recruiting trainee drivers !!! That's a rare thing nowadays, good luck to anyone applying ; )


Original Poster:

89 posts

189 months

Friday 5th July 2013
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I presume they are creating a pool of new drivers to fill vacancies across there depots, most TOCs have this system so looks like the FOCs are going the same route.
This save them advertising all the time & a lot of freight lads lost there jobs during the recession so have jumped ship to passenger work, now the contracts & work has picked up looks like they are desperate for drivers !!!!!

What harm is there applying if you are interested as trainee freight jobs are rare


Original Poster:

89 posts

189 months

Friday 5th July 2013
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The training is usually around 1 year, that is all aspects from Rules / routes / traction etc there's far more to the job than people think !! They don't look at qualifications I find they look at your character & ability to follow procedures correctly, you sit alone for very long periods of time so you have to like your own company.

One way to look at it is the cost of training up a driver is approx £100,000 they say, so you get a wage while training & they pay for the training ! Plus you can move FOCs or TOCs once your probationary period is up

Hope that helps


Original Poster:

89 posts

189 months

Wednesday 14th August 2013
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Just spotted chiltern are looking for trainee drivers, they are part of the Arriva group

Good luck applying


Original Poster:

89 posts

189 months

Friday 16th August 2013
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Original Poster:

89 posts

189 months

Sunday 18th August 2013
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The operator is what we call a 2nd man, he shunts the trains / pulls points / assisting the driver etc people always go for the drivers jobs, but this role is a great stepping stone career wise .


Original Poster:

89 posts

189 months

Saturday 31st August 2013
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The driver operator is what used to be called the second man, they shunts locos & couple freight wagons, also pull points & set roads etc its one wary to get a foot into the industry & your half way there to being a driver !

Working on the freight you get to do some travelling & usually have a varied job compared to passenger TOCS, plus you don't get the pleasure of working with the British travelling public !!!!!!


Original Poster:

89 posts

189 months

Monday 9th December 2013
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I'm just glad this post helped people get the careers they wanted, if anyone is still looking to work as a trainee driver all I can say is keep looking on the TOCs websites. There will always be people leaving & retiring in the industry, so opportunities arrise all the time.
Other good sources are the railway forums & they are great at gaining info about the job.


Original Poster:

89 posts

189 months

Friday 31st January 2014
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It's good to see some new blood into the driver grade & the best way to look at the job is you NEVER stop learning, the training is just your introduction
Good luck guys


Original Poster:

89 posts

189 months

Monday 10th February 2014
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DBS Are recruiting freight trainee drivers again guys


Original Poster:

89 posts

189 months

Friday 14th February 2014
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More trainees positions this time ATW


Original Poster:

89 posts

189 months

Saturday 19th July 2014
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So glad to see my postings of vacancies have resulted in some people starting new careers in the industry, it's hard to get in the rail industry but for all that hard work it's certainly well worth the effort.


Original Poster:

89 posts

189 months

Monday 28th July 2014
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Very few people actually fail the driver training, it's in the companies best interest to get you through the course & out driving as they want your to be productive.
At present you are costing them money & they go little return, plus all the trainers I've dealt with want you to pass the course & if your struggling in any way just chat to them, plus you will find the rest of the course have the same doubts / worries you have : )

To be honest you learn more out driving as most of what you learn you don't use, but when ur called to use your knowledge its all there in the old memory banks I find.

Good luck with all the training


Original Poster:

89 posts

189 months

Saturday 17th January 2015
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Just found thar drs are taking on, it's train man/woman based ar either Crewe or Carlisle. But it's a great way to get on the freight & opens doors to the industry
ATW were taking on in Chester but the external trainee drivers application quota was filled in less that a day !!! So if you see these vacancies be quick.


Original Poster:

89 posts

189 months

Monday 5th October 2015
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Like what has already been said earlier, be prepared & don't waste money buying the online material. Rail chat & rail forums have lots of very knowledgable people & there are multiple threads about the subject.
I would make sure your well read on what your wrote on your application paperwork as they will question you on your answers, also read up on the company online such as what routes that depot goes over & stations .
Always reiterate you are willing to learn as its a 12 month course & the companies want trainable staff as it costs close to £100k to train up a driver !
Good luck with it & just be yourself