Funny Management style!



Original Poster:

4,630 posts

31 months

Thursday 9th May
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James6112 said:
It sounds ideal, but also a little disconcerting, weird really.

Saying that, he has set up a meeting at the end of April for a chat (via Teams)!

Just different really.
Breaking News

Still had no contact since a quick hello at the end of January !

Suits me at my time of life (can retire but why not carry on for a bit longer)

It’s a funny old game.


4,673 posts

111 months

Tuesday 14th May
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I worked in a place which had two managers. One was a complete control freak, always over your shoulder. Telling you to do something by 5pm and then checking up every hour. On the phone or waiting on hold. He would be over wanting to know why you weren't typing etc.

The other manager was the complete opposite, a laid back, you know what you're doing and I'll let you get on with it kind of guy.

And you know what, if you looked at the sales or performance it was a lot better on the days the more laid back manager was in.


1,469 posts

157 months

Tuesday 14th May
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Interesting to hear. My boss is relatively hands off.

I try to do the same for the few people I loosely manage; usually a short call where each person spends max 5 mins at the start of the week to ask what they're up to, what they're aiming to achieve by the end of the week and what help they need if any, and every 1-2 weeks a slightly longer chat to see how they're getting on, any further support they want and generally how they're feeling.

Quarterly about 7 of us willl meet somewhere for a coffee and share things we liked doing or have challenges with - as much as anything so we can share ideas and identify as part of the team.

I thought this was relaxed however it sounds like micromanagement compared to some of the managers you guys have!

Edited by Previous on Tuesday 14th May 08:52


380 posts

24 months

Tuesday 14th May
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I'm just losing probably the best boss I've ever had. Thought he'd be the worst - I was very wrong.

Let's me get on with my job, is available, helpful, insightful - told me early on that if he didn't like what I was doing, I'd be the first to know. He's never told me that, and the result of my end of year review would suggest he's very happy indeed.

Fortunately his replacement is the best possible option as far as I'm concerned with exactly the same style that I've work for previously, so no need to be making any career changes at this point...


1,646 posts

137 months

Friday 17th May
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Sounds ideal, enjoy it whilst it lasts!

My boss is a good chap, and leaves me alone to get on with things, but is always there when I need something. I'm only his report as someone in his team who filled a key job role left and I was picked to take it on as well as my other systems work, but the cartogrophy sits within x team so he's my boxx on paper! Can only talk to him really about a third of my job role, the rest I have to tell him/he finds out through other team members. Funny place to be really! Sometimes I end up telling him key important things first then having to sit on the call where he tells the rest of our team what I told him

Comparing that to the management style of our customer service team manager I'd hand my notice in if she became my boss. Would be endless "Are you ok", "let's sit down for an hour to talk about 12 minutes worth of stuff" "I need your opinion on x or y" "Wellness check!💋" (those actually happen, I made it VERY clear I wanted no part of it and got removed from the chain after the 2nd email...

Antony Moxey

8,260 posts

222 months

Friday 17th May
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Haha, my site manager was told we were to have a monthly supervision meeting to discuss personal performance and any issues I might have. I asked if it would make any difference to my salary. He asked in what way. I said if he started giving us extra assignments would it make a difference if we did them or not. Apparently it wouldn't. I told him I wouldn't be doing any then, it was either part of my contract to undertake such tasks or it wasn't. He then asked if everything was OK and if I had any issues or personal needs I wanted to air. I told him (politely) my personal life was none of his or work's business, unless they found it affected my performance, in which case I'd expect them to tell me.

We had one meeting about three years ago, haven't had another since. Stupid thing is we share an office so what that was all about is anyone's guess.


4,673 posts

111 months

Sunday 19th May
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Antony Moxey said:
Haha, my site manager was told we were to have a monthly supervision meeting to discuss personal performance and any issues I might have. I asked if it would make any difference to my salary. He asked in what way. I said if he started giving us extra assignments would it make a difference if we did them or not. Apparently it wouldn't. I told him I wouldn't be doing any then, it was either part of my contract to undertake such tasks or it wasn't. He then asked if everything was OK and if I had any issues or personal needs I wanted to air. I told him (politely) my personal life was none of his or work's business, unless they found it affected my performance, in which case I'd expect them to tell me.

We had one meeting about three years ago, haven't had another since. Stupid thing is we share an office so what that was all about is anyone's guess.
We had a new boss straight out of nappies a few years ago decided to make a folder on everyone and give out sheets for everyone to score their performance out of 5

I put 5 for everyone then sat down to be told "nobody gets a 5, there is always room for improvement". I said ' have I done everything required in my role to the best of my ability", he said 'Yes' so I said "well I guess my score will stay at 5 then" and walked out.

He lasted 3 months.


Original Poster:

4,630 posts

31 months

Sunday 23rd June
quotequote all
James6112 said:
James6112 said:
It sounds ideal, but also a little disconcerting, weird really.

Saying that, he has set up a meeting at the end of April for a chat (via Teams)!

Just different really.
Breaking News

Still had no contact since a quick hello at the end of January !

Suits me at my time of life (can retire but why not carry on for a bit longer)

It’s a funny old game.
Contact was made..
Ok to send end of year report to me?
Sure thanks..
Bonus & payrise for good work 23/24
If you need anything, give him a shout.
Thanks, I know where to find you.

Guess that’ll be it until next year!


10,578 posts

205 months

Monday 24th June
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This all sounds very bizarre laugh Do you actually do any work? wink


15,996 posts

207 months

Monday 24th June
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vaud said:
James6112 said:
He does sign the Crime Sheets.
Daring to ask what you do?
Mafia boss.


17,048 posts

198 months

Monday 24th June
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I am a hands off boss. But not to be mistaken for someone who doesn't know what's going on. Everyone's happy if you're doing what you're meant to do. Happily sign expenses etc off etc and phone is always on if there's any questions, but I'll pull you up if you take the piss.

Why make work more difficult than it needs to be?