Jacking in your job



23,387 posts

273 months

Wednesday 11th May 2022
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Got a call from an old agency contact today, totally out of the blue asking what I was up to.

It felt great telling him I haven't looked at a spreadsheet in nearly a year and a half and haven't done a 'job type job' in that time. smile

He said I sounded much happier. hehe


6,780 posts

182 months

Wednesday 11th May 2022
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I've just got back from my last day of field working. Just a brief Teams call soon and then tomorrow I'll pop into the office to drop off all my parts and tools. Feels kind of strange after 17 years with them (and 5 doing a similar job for mostly the same customers): I'll miss the colleagues, maybe not some of the bosses and I've even made friends with some of my more local customers as it turns out they play music as well, so I'll see them around on the gigging/open mic circuit.

Seems like an age since I started the process of discussing with my (then) manager. So many changes even in that short time with a new boss, some new colleagues and we've lost one sadly after a long illness and another who has retired just before me. I'm sure I'll settle into it fine though; got a couple of sideline projects that I could do from home part time if I really want to, but for now it's just looking forward to a hopefully decent summer and spending time with family, friends and getting on with a few jobs I've put off for far too long.


5,047 posts

186 months

Wednesday 11th May 2022
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vixen1700 said:
Got a call from an old agency contact today, totally out of the blue asking what I was up to.

It felt great telling him I haven't looked at a spreadsheet in nearly a year and a half and haven't done a 'job type job' in that time. smile

He said I sounded much happier. hehe
No spreadsheets?

I get withdrawal symptoms after just a few hours……..


1,469 posts

90 months

Thursday 12th May 2022
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911r said:
I quit my job on Monday

just working out when i can leave

no more of this st after 20 years
I left today. Just picked up my laptop and walked. Liberting.


393 posts

155 months

Thursday 12th May 2022
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longblackcoat said:
Good luck to you.

Re experience, it was interesting meeting people this time around - I'm rather obviously not in my 30s or 40s (all the hair is there but it's now grey-verging-on-white) and clearly I was being assessed on my energy levels and whether I was, to your point, out of touch. Seems that hard-won experience (have the war wounds, learned from them) is very highly valued at the moment. That and my dazzling good looks, obviously.
Thanks for the good wishes!

Woodrow Wilson

Original Poster:

350 posts

163 months

Friday 13th May 2022
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I'm still trying to work out what to do.

Work is becoming increasingly like something from "Catch 22".

It is amusing just how many other people just keep their heads down or actually go along with it/pretend to believe, although more people do appear to be commenting on it (quietly) .


8,568 posts

263 months

Friday 13th May 2022
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Wonder if these things are deliberate for downsizing reasons...


1,317 posts

100 months

Friday 13th May 2022
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Oilchange said:
Wonder if these things are deliberate for downsizing reasons...
I’ve been wondering the exact same thing. There seems to be so much uncertainty that it feels deliberate at times


22,796 posts

143 months

Friday 13th May 2022
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Interesting thread as I've been more and more disillusioned of late in the past year or so with my job, I've kind of just had enough, I'd never just up and leave as I can't afford to but I'm seriously thinking about doing something completely different.

I'm 47 and have been in the motor trade pretty much all my full time working life, current position I've been here about 17 years, I'm just fed up with all the innane paperwork that we have to do which serves no purpose whatsoever, pointless processes, dealer bashing from the manufacturer (it's always the dealers fault), working weekends, working Bank Holidays which is utterly pointless, staying open half an hour after all the other departments have gone, OK its only till 18:30 but there is absolutely no point in doing this. I can't just go away for a weekend without some serious planning ahead

Constant staffing issues which means that me and my colleague (we've worked together for 15 years) do every other Sunday as opposed to every third that we are supposed to do, more bank holidays and more late nights, as the third salesman spot is a revolving door of younger people who either decide its not for them or stick around just long enough to get enough training to bugger off to a premium brand then the whole cycle starts again. Our manager won't fill in on late nights, Sundays or bank holidays when the third sales slot is either not filled or the person working it isn't experienced enough to work by himself as "it's not in his contract to work them".

My dermatitis flares up when I'm at work, if I'm off on holiday it calms right down, this says to me I'm stressed.

A slightly older friend recently walked out on his job as a fire alarm inspector, set up by himself but decided he needed a complete change, did his HGV Class 2 over a week, got his licence and walked straight into a job paying £32k plus bonus, 5 days a week, early start but early finish, weekend overtime if he wants and they will train him for other things. He said it's the best thing he's ever done.

I'm seriously considering doing something similar.


6,780 posts

182 months

Friday 13th May 2022
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HTP99 said:
My dermatitis flares up when I'm at work, if I'm off on holiday it calms right down, this says to me I'm stressed.
I was the same with my acid reflux, though I'm still taking a daily tablet it calms down when I'm not at work...just a little blip this week as I prepare to finish and keep having 'have I left the iron on?!' type thoughts before I'm off the company network/phone, but I'm sure it'll settle down again next week. Even though I'll miss the people I've worked with the job was obviously not agreeing with me, so it was right to leave, just glad to be in a position to retire early, even if having to live on a shoe string it's preferable to being ill.


2,020 posts

245 months

Friday 13th May 2022
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Must admit I'm thinking of doing this too.

Now the Covid rules have eased my company have enthusiastically and almost totally dropped WFH like a hot potato and I find myself doing all my TEAMs meetings in an almost empty office, rather than from home and am now spending half my life in a car. Unfortunately I live 400 miles laugh away from the office and I can still work the odd week from home, but the commute is so long (7 hrs) that it will ruin every weekend one way or another.

I find it all a bit weird that having proved WFH can be done well, we have gone back the other way...for no real reason afaik. Sorry for moaning lol.

six port

301 posts

169 months

Monday 16th May 2022
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Interesting reading very inspiring.

Currently have my wife on maternity leave and I’ve been trying to stick out my job until she goes back, it’s resulted in my stress levels reaching critical mass last week and self certified myself off sick with stress this week.

Working as a field service engineer with some awful planning on jobs that are impossible and a manager who just says there’s no problems only solutions and get on with it.

4-5 hours London driving plus full days on site not allowed to use clients lifts or toilets with no back up from our office.

Looking at putting in notice and enjoying the rest of my wife’s leave with her and little one and then find something better although probably on less money.

Have a R32 Golf sat unused which I’ll happily sell and live off for a few months rather than dip in my savings.


241 posts

28 months

Monday 16th May 2022
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six port said:
Interesting reading very inspiring.

Currently have my wife on maternity leave and I’ve been trying to stick out my job until she goes back, it’s resulted in my stress levels reaching critical mass last week and self certified myself off sick with stress this week.

Working as a field service engineer with some awful planning on jobs that are impossible and a manager who just says there’s no problems only solutions and get on with it.

4-5 hours London driving plus full days on site not allowed to use clients lifts or toilets with no back up from our office.

Looking at putting in notice and enjoying the rest of my wife’s leave with her and little one and then find something better although probably on less money.

Have a R32 Golf sat unused which I’ll happily sell and live off for a few months rather than dip in my savings.
Good for you mate !

My last day at work is this Wednesday . I have no wife or dependents , so I will travel Spain for 6 months then head back to my home in London and find a nice relaxed job I hope for not much money but enough to live . (I'm currently coming out of 20 years of being a inter dealer broker) I've had enough ! life is for living .

Woodrow Wilson

Original Poster:

350 posts

163 months

Monday 16th May 2022
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I'm beginning to wonder if I am part of some sort of Truman Show-esque experiment. Everywhere I turn at my workplace, there are appallingly bad projects that appear to be going nowhere, have ever-moving goalposts, pointless "reviews" and bureaucracy seemingly for the sake of it.

I am mystified by how anybody can gain any sense of satisfaction or maintain any motivation. Some are even keen to climb the corporate ladder. Are they in on it or is it just drugs?


6,780 posts

182 months

Monday 16th May 2022
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In about an hour I will have finished my last video call on my last day at work. My company Mercedes went back this morning and I've now insured and taxed a 10 year old Fiesta 'Style' (ie the base model) that I bought a few weeks back. Had a little drive out to properly check it over (since the previous owner delivered it here), all OK and considering what I was driving yesterday it seems decent enough to get around in locally.

I've just been sent a 'Thankbox' where various colleagues put messages on, instead of a card. It was actually quite humbling to read the comments, but it only confirms that I liked the people I worked with, just the corporate structure and pressures didn't agree with me. Still enough of them will have to work at sites near me when I've gone, so I expect there will be a few popping in for a brew from time to time.

It's felt a little surreal today...obviously knew it was coming, but the finality of it all kicking in now. I joined a final 'manager's call' earlier (more as a test to check I could join OK on my phone since my laptop has already gone back). Listening to the stuff they are planning for and various audits, etc reminded me of why I'm leaving though.

Just waiting to see what's in the envelope I was given last week and to open it when instructed, presumably on my 'goodbye' call.


45,899 posts

192 months

Monday 16th May 2022
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Woodrow Wilson said:
I'm beginning to wonder if I am part of some sort of Truman Show-esque experiment. Everywhere I turn at my workplace, there are appallingly bad projects that appear to be going nowhere, have ever-moving goalposts, pointless "reviews" and bureaucracy seemingly for the sake of it.

I am mystified by how anybody can gain any sense of satisfaction or maintain any motivation. Some are even keen to climb the corporate ladder. Are they in on it or is it just drugs?
I think you need to accept that all PAYE jobs are st, and then trying to build a bit of meaning to your life from there.


320 posts

125 months

Monday 16th May 2022
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My online leaving 'card' had a grand total of 7 messages. Was a bit gutted about it to be honest......... worked with 100's of people at various levels over the years. I thought i'd made some real good friends too laugh

Oh well! The new job really is great and i'm much happier in myself.
I can't believe i left it so long before jumping ship.

Woodrow Wilson

Original Poster:

350 posts

163 months

Tuesday 17th May 2022
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Rowe said:
My online leaving 'card' had a grand total of 7 messages. Was a bit gutted about it to be honest......... worked with 100's of people at various levels over the years. I thought i'd made some real good friends too laugh
To be honest, I wouldn't worry about it. It doesn't really mean much, other than having somebody (usually a woman) in the company who organises/pushes these things. You will know who you are friends with and will keep in contact with in future.

Rowe said:
Oh well! The new job really is great and i'm much happier in myself.
I can't believe i left it so long before jumping ship.
It sounds as if you made the right decision. I hope it continues to go well for you.


555 posts

63 months

Tuesday 17th May 2022
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V8mate said:
Woodrow Wilson said:
I'm beginning to wonder if I am part of some sort of Truman Show-esque experiment. Everywhere I turn at my workplace, there are appallingly bad projects that appear to be going nowhere, have ever-moving goalposts, pointless "reviews" and bureaucracy seemingly for the sake of it.

I am mystified by how anybody can gain any sense of satisfaction or maintain any motivation. Some are even keen to climb the corporate ladder. Are they in on it or is it just drugs?
I think you need to accept that all PAYE jobs are st, and then trying to build a bit of meaning to your life from there.
I think that's a good shout. My line of work isn't dissimilar to the OP, I've rattled through a number of companies as a contractor , currently paye, last 2 contracts were short and I've only been in the"new" place since October. But it's crap, as were the contracts before it. Same old stuff once you get going, it's all issues, pressure no authority but all the responsibility etc. I've come to realise that no amount of switching about will save me because it's the job (or at the very least, the industry) that I don't like.

Trouble from there is what else do you do? 15 years in the same area, can command a decent package from it but hate it and desperate to re-invent myself. On paper the sensible switch would be out this industry into another but in the same role to see if that improves things but I think sticking plaster at best and not simple to do anyway. I've thought about going a particular angle at freelance for SMEs but huge gamble in that why pick me, do SMEs really use the type of services I'd be offering and why pick me if they did.

Re-train? Useless at anything that requires hand eye coordination or using your hands to produce anything. Completely stuck now and sinking fast.


45,899 posts

192 months

Tuesday 17th May 2022
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deebs said:
V8mate said:
Woodrow Wilson said:
I'm beginning to wonder if I am part of some sort of Truman Show-esque experiment. Everywhere I turn at my workplace, there are appallingly bad projects that appear to be going nowhere, have ever-moving goalposts, pointless "reviews" and bureaucracy seemingly for the sake of it.

I am mystified by how anybody can gain any sense of satisfaction or maintain any motivation. Some are even keen to climb the corporate ladder. Are they in on it or is it just drugs?
I think you need to accept that all PAYE jobs are st, and then trying to build a bit of meaning to your life from there.
I think that's a good shout. My line of work isn't dissimilar to the OP, I've rattled through a number of companies as a contractor , currently paye, last 2 contracts were short and I've only been in the"new" place since October. But it's crap, as were the contracts before it. Same old stuff once you get going, it's all issues, pressure no authority but all the responsibility etc. I've come to realise that no amount of switching about will save me because it's the job (or at the very least, the industry) that I don't like.

Trouble from there is what else do you do? 15 years in the same area, can command a decent package from it but hate it and desperate to re-invent myself. On paper the sensible switch would be out this industry into another but in the same role to see if that improves things but I think sticking plaster at best and not simple to do anyway. I've thought about going a particular angle at freelance for SMEs but huge gamble in that why pick me, do SMEs really use the type of services I'd be offering and why pick me if they did.

Re-train? Useless at anything that requires hand eye coordination or using your hands to produce anything. Completely stuck now and sinking fast.
Trust me: the organisational pains you feel are not industry specific.

What is certainly the case, is that the larger the organisation the worse things will be. The smaller the firm, the quicker decisions get made, the closer you are to someone who may actually be grateful etc.