Anglesey Circuit has banned all EVs/Hybrids from trackdays

Anglesey Circuit has banned all EVs/Hybrids from trackdays



Original Poster:

8,619 posts

222 months

Wednesday 10th January
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Original Poster:

8,619 posts

222 months

Thursday 11th January
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This is just the start….garages, body shops, car parks (especially the ones underneath housing/flats etc) anywhere where EVs are parked, stored or worked upon will have insurance and safety issues based on the fact that at present no fire extinguisher or sprinkler system can put a single EV fire out let alone numerous amounts of them.


Original Poster:

8,619 posts

222 months

Thursday 11th January
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LivLL said:
EVs have been around for a long time now, any reason why these places would change policies now?
A certain car park in Luton might have something to do with it!


Original Poster:

8,619 posts

222 months

Thursday 11th January
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C70R said:
Only if you were dense enough to believe that it wasn't a non-hybrid diesel that caused that fire.
What caused the fire is inconsequential, the fact if the matter was that there were a LOT of burning EVs in the car park that could not be contained and that resulted in the whole £20,000,000 car park burning for days with all the cars inside being written off!