Ring trip report 22-26th June

Ring trip report 22-26th June


gutmann pug

Original Poster:

265 posts

238 months

Wednesday 27th June 2007
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My latest trip report

It’s a family affair

A nice early start as usual.

Rob and Deb decided they wanted to fly so Lee and Laura (Debs son and girlfriend) were asked to drive the M3 over. Meeting at Gary’s house at 4.45am they were on their way. The first stop was Gary’s brother’s house to collect Simon who had made his way as far as there. Rob and Deb passed them on the way to the airport. The weather was pretty awful for the whole drive.
Down to Dover for the 8am crossing with Norfolk line. As usual they didn’t disappoint other than the fact that as usual there were no knives on the boat. Even though they were some of the first to get their food as had happened previously people were sat eating their breakfasts using forks and spoons. The drag from the ferry terminal to the motorway took a fair bit of time and Gary vowed not to use Norfolk line the next time he booked a trip.

A fairly quick and easy drive with not much traffic.

Nicks double was seen on the way

Another car the guys recognised was seen on the way too

On passing Ververies a large traffic jam held them up for a while. When they got to the front they could see exactly why this was. A section of the Armco around 40 metres long was missing from a road bridge at the bottom of a steep hill. On passing the commotion the road passing under the bridge could be seen. Blue lights everywhere and people rushing here and there. Whatever had gone over the bridge had obviously landed badly on the road below. Not a nice site.

A while later the guys arrived at the apartments where Rob, Deb and Nick had already turned up. There was a car test going on within a couple of hundred yards and the first chance to have a good look at the Audi R8 – Gary decided he still didn’t like it

The guys nipped to Winbach to collect Simon and Gary’s cars. On the way back there was a bit of a traffic jam.

Once at the apartments there was time to look at Rob and Nicks hire cars. Robs was a cracker, shame he couldn’t work out how to take the roof off.

Nicks was a little more grown up

Up to the track for around 5pm. The weather was dry but looked like changing so it was time to get a few laps before the rain came. Gary managed 3 in the dry before the downpour started. He then managed another 4 in the wet. On the first lap he hooked up with a local Opel kadett who helped him immensely by showing him the wet lines. This consisted of driving right round the outside of the bends and staying well away from the apex’s. It didn’t feel right to start with but there was more grip and therefore it was quicker.
Bren, Dale, Maddog and plenty of others were around so there was time for a chat and to shelter from the rain in the back of the transit.
Nick had a clutch cable issue but due to a stroke of luck a local Caterham racer brought him a new one meaning he would be ready to lap again in the morning.

When the track closed at 7.30pm it was back to the room for a well deserved beer. Rather than going out for the evening everyone decided to eat in the hotel for simplicity purposes.

Simon wore a different tee short for a change. Either that or he had dyed the other one.

A few more beers and it was time for a kip.


Gary was up at 6.45am and out wandering round with Charley.

By 8am the dry weather was being replaced by the first rain of the day. Up at the track it was no different so a couple of wet laps were once again in order. Pooky and Davecantdrive were about.

This guy had two Yorkshire puddings on the side of his face

Gary took James (handpaper) for a couple of laps.

These guys turned up, uploaded their cars, started doing their drivers briefing before being told they wouldn’t be allowed on track so they had to load back up and be on their merry way.

After a few wet and dry laps lunch was had in Adenau. The baby sitters were doing a grand job on their first visit.

A few pictures at Breidscheide

Thorleif was in the neighbourhood

Then it was time to go back to the track and get a few more laps in. These guys were managing a solid 10mph up the hill toward the track

This little beauty was on the scene

A few more laps and the car park was getting fuller. Gary and Nick shared a space, come on back, further, further, further, come on, come on STOOOOOOOOOOP

Josh’s attitude hadn’t changed

A still working Caterham, with Andy looking very dapper

Graeme and the guys and gals from Jock land were in attendance.

Gary took Oggy out for a dry lap in the 205. Once he had regained his composure he was able to tell his friends how much he enjoyed it.

Gary and Simon nipped to Pflanzgarten to take a few pics.

Dave had arrived too

On to Brunchen with Simon looking very camp

Some interesting parking was to be seen

Gary took Pooky (Dave) for a passenger lap, all was well until the final third of the lap where the car felt very unsettled. Gary put it down to him doing 4 laps on the bounce and over hot tyres. He decided enough was enough and headed back to the room at around 7pm.

A meal was arranged at the Chinese in Adenau. The cast list consisted of all those staying At the apartments plus Ed, Eds friend (the guy who did 54 laps in ONE day), Thorleif, Steve G, Jochen, Pooky etc etc.

There was some kind of festival going on in town. It appeared to be just another reason for the Germans to get very drunk.

Gary and Josh were up early to get to the track for 8am. Gary checked his car after the issue the night before. The passenger front wheel showed signs of grease so Gary took the car to Olly to see what the issue was. Once up in the air the drive shaft oil seal was seen to be split hence the grease on the wheel and brakes. That was game over for the 205 for the weekend.

Gary and Josh went to Hatzenbach to take a few pictures.

This car marked as a GT2 RS came by

Back in the car park Josh took his life in his hands and went out with ‘’Nicky long legs’’ as he called him. Josh said it was fun but felt so slow he thought he might have to pedal to make it more exciting.

One of Britains finest came and parked next to Gary. After chat Gary went for a passenger lap. He wondered if he might rue the fact that he wasn’t an ADAC member.

Lady luck was shining and he made the full lap. The TVR proved to be pretty impressive with good acceleration and the ability to go round corners too.

Gary took a stroll to quidellbach to take some more pictures.
Rob and Thorleif playing

Time for lunch at Breidscheid.

Rob went to Karls to watch the moto gp, the girls went to Brunchen and Gary walked up to Weirsheifen to take yet more pics

The ring taxi past once saw Gary and from that point on put on a show with every pass.

The R8 was there, still ugly

Bad Roo was just toooooo fast to catch on camera

More taxi fun

The viper had a crack at drifting too

ONNO joined in

Gary had a call from Rob saying that he was going to have a look at Karl’s wet hole so Gary made the epic 300 yard journey to have a look himself

Gary had a passenger lap with Thorleif. The CSL went well even on road tyres.

Late in the day Gary had a look at Gallgenkopf

An old friend made an appearance


Gary mucked about with the settings and quite liked this one of Maddog.

The Pistenklause was the venue for the evening meal. The guys were joined by a few old faces again.

Charley held court as usual

Back at the apartment everyone went to bed except Gary, Emma and Laura who stayed up to get totally pissed. They managed it quite nicely

In the morning it was off to Cochem for a wander round. Rob wanted to order this off the menu but Deb wouldn’t let him.

Then a drive to the Rodelbahn. It was closed though probably due to the weather

Back at the ring there was time for a couple of hours driving, Gary managed 5 laps in the Mondeo.
A quiet meal in the apartments ready for the early drive home in the morning

12 hours door to door, HORRIBLE

A great long weekend


327 posts

210 months

Wednesday 27th June 2007
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Very nice report!! Thanks for sharing!!
Perhaps do you have the pic of the red Ford GT at a higher resolution?



5,180 posts

223 months

Thursday 28th June 2007
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I see you stay at the same Hotel as what we do when we go over there.
Hotel Sonnek.

Nice report there. Always good to see what other people get up to.
Think I'm going to have to try out that Trodelbahn (spelling?) when I go over next week !! ;-) Well as long as it isn't a white water raft course like on your photo !!

gutmann pug

Original Poster:

265 posts

238 months

Thursday 28th June 2007
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Maxige said:
Very nice report!! Thanks for sharing!!
Perhaps do you have the pic of the red Ford GT at a higher resolution?

I have a few pictures of that car. Is it yours?

If you e-mail me at Gary@northloop.co.uk I will send you the large files.


gutmann pug

Original Poster:

265 posts

238 months

Thursday 28th June 2007
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AJI said:
I see you stay at the same Hotel as what we do when we go over there.
Hotel Sonnek.

Nice report there. Always good to see what other people get up to.
Think I'm going to have to try out that Trodelbahn (spelling?) when I go over next week !! ;-) Well as long as it isn't a white water raft course like on your photo !!
It's a rodelbahn and there are a couple about. The one we went to this time is at the animal park at Daun. There is one on the 257 past Altenaur too.

gutmann pug

Original Poster:

265 posts

238 months

Thursday 28th June 2007
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I dont think some of the pictures I sent you got through. Could you e-mail me the IMG codes of the ones you got and I will re-send the others when you have cleared out your in-box.



23,379 posts

239 months

Thursday 28th June 2007
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any chance you have a pic of D-MY924 (which is, you've guessed it, my 924)? old bronzey coloured thing it is

gutmann pug

Original Poster:

265 posts

238 months

Friday 29th June 2007
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Sorry but I am pretty sure I dont have a picture of your car.

All of my pics will be posted in the next day or two and I will point you to where there are.