Cadwell, Oulton, Knockhill

Cadwell, Oulton, Knockhill


Jonathan T

Original Poster:

52 posts

283 months

Friday 27th July 2001
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I''m planning my trackdays for September and I''d like to hear from anyone who has been to Cadwell, Oulton or Knockhill (listed as 15th on pistonheads but not at the knocjhill site?). Are they fast or slow? Good run off areas? To put it in context (in an Elise), I loved Anglesey (hilly, twisty, not to fast), Donnington (hilly, twisty but only a few slower bends) and Croft (twisty and slower but flat); not quite as keen on Castle Combe (flat and fast). Any general impressions greatly appreciated.


822 posts

287 months

Friday 27th July 2001
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Oulton's great for everything except run-offs. Hills, double apexes, camber changes, even a steeply banked hairpin. Just stay on the tarmac, that's all; some bits make Tower at C. Combe look spacious. Cheers, AdrianR Edited by adrianr on Friday 27th July 12:24


16 posts

278 months

Friday 27th July 2001
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I am a marshal at Oulton Park and have also been lucky enough to attend several Ferrari & TVR track days there. I know I am biased but it really is a fantastic track that really tests your driving ability, the run off areas aren't too bad but I admit the odd one is a little slim! Quite a number of top racing drivers & bike racers say it is their favourite track - you can't get a better recommendation than that!


34,441 posts

306 months

Friday 27th July 2001
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I''m planning my trackdays for September and I''d like to hear from anyone who has been to Cadwell, Oulton or Knockhill (listed as 15th on pistonheads but not at the knocjhill site
My Knockhill dates could be inaccurate. Knockhill aren't so great at replying to requests for confirmation of dates.

Jonathan T

Original Poster:

52 posts

283 months

Saturday 28th July 2001
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Thanks for the help, Cadwell and Oulton look like a definate.

cyber ronnie

275 months

Thursday 2nd August 2001
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I've driven Cadwell in my race-spec Mk 1 Golf GTI and it's a brilliant circuit to drive with tight hairpins, hills, steep descents (followed by 90 degree corner at bottom) and fast corners. Great fun! The only place to be wary of in a car is the chicanes and hairpin immediately after the spectator bank - lock up here and you're in the sherbert dip as the run off is... a nice barrier. The faster sections of the track have loads of run off though. Hope you enjoy it!


789 posts

287 months

Friday 3rd August 2001
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Oulton is an excellent circuit with a great range fo different types of corners and lots of gradients. I race formula fords there and love it, I'd say it's sort of half way between Anglesey and Donnington for speed. Run offs aren't great at some parts of the circuit, but the tyre walls seem reasonable forgiving. (I've recently introduced myself to one of them at high speed near lake)

Jonathan T

Original Poster:

52 posts

283 months

Thursday 4th October 2001
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In the end I went to Oulton Park, great track. I really enjoyed it apart from the off camber bend before the main straight. How do you go round that bend fats?

Neil Menzies

5,167 posts

287 months

Thursday 4th October 2001
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In the end I went to Oulton Park, great track. I really enjoyed it apart from the off camber bend before the main straight. How do you go round that bend fats?
I had fun on that corner on the TVRCC track day there, including a visit to the grass (but fortunately not the tyre wall). The instructor really cleaned up my line - you need to brake hard and scrub off a lot of speed on the entry, and turn in hard so you have a much straighter apex/exit, and can get the power down. Slow in, fast out. Neil