Brands Hatch GP Circuit - why so expensive?

Brands Hatch GP Circuit - why so expensive?


Steve Morse

Original Poster:

22 posts

136 months

Sunday 23rd August 2020
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I'm slowly ticking off tracks that I want to drive but why is the Brands Hatch GP circuit SO expensive for a track day (£595 the last time I looked). I have driven the Indy circuit which was fine but a bit short.

Silverstone and Spa (both of which I have already done) are cheaper AND current F1 circuits....... :-/


1,677 posts

229 months

Sunday 23rd August 2020
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I believe its simply because MSV can only run a low number of events on the GP layout each year, because of this the circuit hire for those days is expensive.


10,592 posts

186 months

Sunday 23rd August 2020
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Depends on the number of cars, cost of being open etc. If you want to look at 'expensive', look at the W2R track days. They look incredible to be fair, but at £1000 they pitch to select customers. I personally think higher prices are better as it keeps some of the sheds away (the ones that tend to break down) and allows a decent level of service at the track.

Don't forget you're paying summer prices too and most things are booked up well in advance.


6,914 posts

241 months

Sunday 23rd August 2020
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Believe it will be because of the noise restrictions that mean they can only run a small number per year, it’s a fantastic circuit, therefore, very popular and therefore commands high prices - supply and demand basically.

Worth the money though, it’s terrific.


2,120 posts

146 months

Monday 24th August 2020
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I don't think I paid that much (but it was expensive). Definitely a great track though if you're on the fence. Really enjoyed it.


8,958 posts

163 months

Monday 24th August 2020
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Because it's near London and they can.


1,239 posts

212 months

Monday 24th August 2020
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tertius said:
Believe it will be because of the noise restrictions that mean they can only run a small number per year, it’s a fantastic circuit, therefore, very popular and therefore commands high prices - supply and demand basically.

Worth the money though, it’s terrific.
This was my understanding too. With races taking up xx% of those, that leaves fewer for track days, supply < demand.

Far Cough

2,354 posts

179 months

Monday 24th August 2020
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Nothing to do with being near London.

They can only run 21 days a year on the full circuit so once you take off the race weekends and associated test days it doesn't leave many left so they command a premium.

If you Google earth the circuit you can see how close the back gardens of some of the houses are. Not that I am making any excuses for them as I'll wager the circuit pre dated them.


107 posts

202 months

Tuesday 25th August 2020
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NIMBY and noise, so numbers are limited and therefore costly

Amazing circuit though, and I defy anyone to not duck in the car the first time they go under the bridge biggrin


8,926 posts

211 months

Monday 31st August 2020
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tertius said:
Believe it will be because of the noise restrictions that mean they can only run a small number per year, it’s a fantastic circuit, therefore, very popular and therefore commands high prices - supply and demand basically.

Worth the money though, it’s terrific.
Agreed, its worth the money and not just because statistically, less people can say thay have driven through Dingle Dell, than those that have run the London Marathon.

If, you've done both....., its a bucket list thing..

Steve Morse

Original Poster:

22 posts

136 months

Monday 31st August 2020
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Absolutely ZERO interest in running the London Marathon!


11,648 posts

199 months

Wednesday 2nd September 2020
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I think £450-500 is more typical for a GP day unless you go with the premium TDOs.

Or, there are occasional session days that can be cheaper - I have recently been for the first time and it was £320 (Lotus-on-Track). Obviously you only get 20 mins per hour but it's still a good taste and it confirmed for me that it's the best track in the UK.

Definitely a bucket list item to tick off if you like track days, and thus worth the high price.


59 posts

242 months

Saturday 5th September 2020
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Worth every single penny. Yes, it’s that good.

Sidecar Man

647 posts

72 months

Sunday 6th September 2020
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In 2008 I worked for Hottrax Track days. Back then it was about £52k to hire the track for the day. &#129488;


214 posts

124 months

Saturday 12th September 2020
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Buy a motorbike, the bike TD's are cheap and hell of a circuit on a bike.


4,590 posts

198 months

Saturday 12th September 2020
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Yes, years ago did many track days on a bike on the GP circuit - they were plentiful. Only ever taken a car round the Indy.


25,253 posts

171 months

Saturday 12th September 2020
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Didn’t race there this season because the race entry was on the expensive side and the Friday test day was 50% more!