z4 coupe 3.0si track car...stupid idea?

z4 coupe 3.0si track car...stupid idea?



Original Poster:

548 posts

94 months

Thursday 6th August 2020
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So I am slowly building a clio 182 track car and really enjoying the whole process etc and getting into track days

my daily z4 is looking like it may need to be got rid of as otherwise I have 2 x 2 seaters as the clio is just buckets now

I was looking at all sorts of options (plenty of other threads ive started about this dilemma, but then I had a silly idea.

I like my z4 its a decent balance of power and lightness but its not too powerful or crazy

its also, obviously, rear wheel drive...and apart from at the odd roundabout, I havent really ever had the chance to enjoy this fact. I am now wondering whether I can justify a 3rd car....something like a V70 T5 or a 95Aero or 2.8 turbo 6 as a load lugger that should be fun with a remap, and then just keep the Z4.

It feels excessive but if I can pick up an estate for 1-2k and insurance for 50/month then it will end up cheaper than upgrading to e.g. a Megane 265


Original Poster:

548 posts

94 months

Thursday 6th August 2020
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Forgot to ask my actual question...

Would a Z4 Coupe (non-M) actually be a fun car to track?

I imagine you wouldnt need to do much, just sort the brakes and thats it?

Maybe an LSD in the future if really want to?


1,456 posts

181 months

Thursday 6th August 2020
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Well i used to track a z4 3.0i, and that was fricking awesome. All i changed was brake pads, and some trackday tyres.

That was a very capable car, very nicely balanced. And an extra 30 bhp would be great.

Get into the z4 forum, plenty of people tracking z4s who can advise you.


1,456 posts

181 months

Thursday 6th August 2020
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So true i said it twice.


770 posts

86 months

Thursday 6th August 2020
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1,374 posts

177 months

Thursday 6th August 2020
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Stick an LSD in, some coils and a good geo, would be even better. smile


511 posts

91 months

Friday 14th August 2020
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I know a few people including myself that have switched to rear wheel drive and found it very rewarding and enjoyable. Not to mention that you have to improve rather quickly or potentially bin the car given the nature of RWD hehe