Spectators passengers ?

Spectators passengers ?



Original Poster:

972 posts

213 months

Wednesday 22nd July 2020
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So doing a general half day at goodwood tommorow in my own car.Tried to call goodwood to see the rules etc but the line isn't in use at moment.So couple of questions and I know this doesn't neccasarily apply to goodwood but can you have spectators and take people out for passenger rides if anybody can help that would be great.




7,793 posts

237 months

Wednesday 22nd July 2020
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Normally yes spectators not a problem as for passengers I am not sure if Covid precautions will change anything but I have had passengers in my car round Goodwood a few times.


1,239 posts

212 months

Wednesday 22nd July 2020
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Not Goodwood but due to Covid-19 restrictions, MSV didn't allow spectators on Saturday and passengers needed to be from the same household.

hilts uk

82 posts

101 months

Thursday 23rd July 2020
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Goodwood track not allowing any spectators like all tracks at the moment. They have a marshall on the gate with the list of names and cars. The way around this is to register them as an extra driver / passenger. They didn't allow passengers a few weeks ago but I think this has now changed so I think you will be OK.