Recommends for a garage to setup for track

Recommends for a garage to setup for track



Original Poster:

22 posts

57 months

Tuesday 7th July 2020
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I’ve recently moved to the Windsor/Maidenhead area. Can anyone recommend a garage that is decent for setting up vehicles for track days/racing etc? Happy to travel but not crazy distances!


28 posts

190 months

Tuesday 7th July 2020
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Center Gravity, Atherstone.

If God did track days, that's where he would go.


2,120 posts

146 months

Tuesday 7th July 2020
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Probably helpful to if you clarify what you mean by 'setting cars up for trackdays and racing'? Geometry, modifications, making it MSA compliant (safety stuff), and what kind of car - depending on which, I suspect the answer would be rather different..

Dynion Araf Uchaf

4,788 posts

234 months

Thursday 9th July 2020
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allsquarechassissetup are your people. Will come to you so long as you have a flatfish area like a driveway to work on. Great guys, race engineering experienced and can set up any car. based in Kent but travel nationwide

Edited by Dynion Araf Uchaf on Thursday 9th July 20:39


510 posts

204 months

Saturday 11th July 2020
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Several people on here have used (and highly recommend) Charles Dunn Motor Engineers in Wooburn Green which is very close to you.
Gavin Dunn races a BMW and they support many cars in various race series. They certainly know their stuff.
They also do a lot of Yank V8 engines and interesting stuff like Ultima's and Cobra's.


4,844 posts

259 months

Monday 7th September 2020
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Hey Jam what did you do in the end? I am in Maidenhead and in the same boat for my 200