Astra VXR Track day modding tips?
I've been offered a 1/2 share of an Astra VXR - the 1st shape - with a view to use as a shared trackday car. Car is worth about 4k so the deal is I spend @ £2k on mods. I'm not new to trackdays but I am new to Astra VXRs. The car needs to stay road legal so my usual mods are a set of tyres like R888s, braided hoses, better pads and brake fluid, some reversable weight reduction like back seat/spare wheel removal. I was planning to look at a safe remap with some uprated cooling but wondered if there was anybody who had tracked them before and had any tips i.e camber mods, suspension upgrades, engine tweaks that were cheap and easy to do. And anything that might be an issue or marginal. Any help or advice appreciated.
2 sMoKiN bArReLs said:
Notanotherturbo said:
I've been offered a 1/2 share of an Astra VXR - the 1st shape - with a view to use as a shared trackday car. Car is worth about 4k so the deal is I spend @ £2k on mods.
If I was your mate I'd want to check the arithmetic 
Sorry, no help I know!

2 sMoKiN bArReLs said:
Notanotherturbo said:
I've been offered a 1/2 share of an Astra VXR - the 1st shape - with a view to use as a shared trackday car. Car is worth about 4k so the deal is I spend @ £2k on mods.
If I was your mate I'd want to check the arithmetic 
Sorry, no help I know!

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