Spa March 19th and Corona....

Spa March 19th and Corona....



Original Poster:

933 posts

157 months

Wednesday 11th March 2020
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Anyone travelling and/or concerned regarding what's going on in Europe?

I'm not worried about the health risks but certainly being stranded.


42,680 posts

275 months

Wednesday 11th March 2020
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Out on the 17th, back on the 21st, doing the thursday trackday.

Reviewing the situation day by day but unless the FCO recommends against travel to Belgium, or we show any symptoms..

we going !

indestructible focus

391 posts

99 months

Wednesday 11th March 2020
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Wish I was going as soon as you guys, you'll be okay imo.

We are off 28th to the ring then spa trackday is with javelin 31/03/20.

Hope it's not too bad by then.
Got free cancellation on accommodation and will book ferry last minute, so covered financially...


47 posts

160 months

Thursday 12th March 2020
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I’m there on the 19th, hopefully.

I’d have thought a trackday was pretty low risk in that you’re locked in your own little box most of the time and contact with others can be at a minimum and if we don’t all have to sit through a briefing together that’ll be a bonus.

I’ve been looking forward to this one for a while so I just hope we can all get there.


625 posts

185 months

Thursday 12th March 2020
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I'm there for the double header 31st march and 1st April, hopefully it goes ahead!!


Original Poster:

933 posts

157 months

Thursday 12th March 2020
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flyer0 said:
I’m there on the 19th, hopefully.

I’d have thought a trackday was pretty low risk in that you’re locked in your own little box most of the time and contact with others can be at a minimum and if we don’t all have to sit through a briefing together that’ll be a bonus.

I’ve been looking forward to this one for a while so I just hope we can all get there.
It's the getting there and back which is a concern. Any travel bans on an already limited method of transport (ferry) could leave me stranded and I've decided not to go.


42,680 posts

275 months

Friday 13th March 2020
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All bars and restaurants closed till 3rd april in Belgium, we are now not going


42,680 posts

275 months

Friday 13th March 2020
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Spa circuit now closed till April 3rd


1,680 posts

229 months

Saturday 14th March 2020
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NIgt3 said:
I'm there for the double header 31st march and 1st April, hopefully it goes ahead!!
I was booked on too. Sadly its cancelled.