Blyton Park - leave a bag while on track?

Blyton Park - leave a bag while on track?



Original Poster:

487 posts

88 months

Thursday 23rd January 2020
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Hi all

I've got a track day booked at Blyton coming up. Can anyone let me know if there is somewhere I can leave a bag with a few snacks, drinks, tools and a fuel can while on track?



2,176 posts

138 months

Friday 24th January 2020
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The TDO will normally invite you to leave valuable in the briefing hut, but I've never had an issue just leaving stuff in the paddock after getting a bit social with the participant next to me.


10,510 posts

163 months

Friday 24th January 2020
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Been there many, many times, left full sets of wheels, tools, spare helmets, and even sandwiches etc behind where the car is parked while on track & never had an issue.


6,479 posts

240 months

Friday 24th January 2020
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Buy a shelter tent like this
Keeps your kit dry if it rains and keeps stuff out of sight of opportunists.

Also marks your space as well.


3,100 posts

106 months

Friday 24th January 2020
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MagicalTrevor said:
Buy a shelter tent like this
Keeps your kit dry if it rains and keeps stuff out of sight of opportunists.

Also marks your space as well.
This but I got mine off Facebook market place for £5


Original Poster:

487 posts

88 months

Friday 24th January 2020
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Thanks all.

I do like the idea of the beach hut thing!


6,479 posts

240 months

Friday 24th January 2020
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I’ve been using one for a few years. Friends are always keen to claim a corner


3,575 posts

138 months

Sunday 26th January 2020
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Aldis keep them occasionally, exactly like the quecha ones but are only a fiver..