Regular Insurers that offer track day cover?
Hi all,
New car is on the way and one of my goals next year is to do more track days! Did 2 this year insured with Moris, but wonder who else is out there and if any do normal road policies with track day cover on top? £180 a day from Moris is quite a lot.
I’ve heard of A-Plan, anyone else?
New car is on the way and one of my goals next year is to do more track days! Did 2 this year insured with Moris, but wonder who else is out there and if any do normal road policies with track day cover on top? £180 a day from Moris is quite a lot.
I’ve heard of A-Plan, anyone else?
With these road and track combo policies make sure you check to see if any claim on track will affect your road insurance policies going forward. The good thing with a private policy like Moris offer is that any claim is private and will not impact your road policy.
I've just gone through this process and on informing my current road insurer they were not bothered. Private policy on private land.... No bearing on your highways cover
I've just gone through this process and on informing my current road insurer they were not bothered. Private policy on private land.... No bearing on your highways cover

Thanks everyone.
Managed to get quotes from REIS, Classicline & A-Plan.
For any future Googlers...
A-Plan is about 1.7x the cheapest road policy (from LVE this time) and includes 5 UK track days.
Classicline was about 2x but restricted to 5000 miles and really reallly wanted me to garage and tracker the car. £55 per track day on top.
REIS was 2.6x LVE.
Obviously going with A-Plan
Managed to get quotes from REIS, Classicline & A-Plan.
For any future Googlers...
A-Plan is about 1.7x the cheapest road policy (from LVE this time) and includes 5 UK track days.
Classicline was about 2x but restricted to 5000 miles and really reallly wanted me to garage and tracker the car. £55 per track day on top.
REIS was 2.6x LVE.
Obviously going with A-Plan

Chris1712 said:
Thanks everyone. Weird none of these companies have web quoting systems! Looks like I’ll be wasting my weekend on the phone, hopefully worth it.
Moris have an online quote for cheaper cars and road going quotes. Very reasonable prices too, at least on my Clio Cup 200 road car.Gassing Station | Track Days | Top of Page | What's New | My Stuff