Default Should I/how to remove this underlay from under civ
I'm asking here as you guys may know better than other places since some of you strip your car down. in the title i meant carpet nut seems too late to edit.
I wanted to remove my carpet however whilst removing I found this black rubber type underlay stuck to the metal. This material also occurs in the boot underneath the spare tyre. It has a kind of smell which I dont like so I want to remove it. However I've been told that this is for sound deadening, and maybe panel vibration and insulatuon.
I dont mind if the car gets louder and less insulated, however I do mind panel vibration. Will this be an issue? I 've also been told its to protect the chassis but thats not really needed is it?
If its ok to remove, how should I go about removing it, it seems stuck to the metal.

I wanted to remove my carpet however whilst removing I found this black rubber type underlay stuck to the metal. This material also occurs in the boot underneath the spare tyre. It has a kind of smell which I dont like so I want to remove it. However I've been told that this is for sound deadening, and maybe panel vibration and insulatuon.
I dont mind if the car gets louder and less insulated, however I do mind panel vibration. Will this be an issue? I 've also been told its to protect the chassis but thats not really needed is it?
If its ok to remove, how should I go about removing it, it seems stuck to the metal.

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