Best Track Briefing

Best Track Briefing



Original Poster:

2,825 posts

170 months

Thursday 24th October 2019
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Credit where credit is due, the chap from MSVT gave a great briefing at Donnington park yesterday.

Covered all the bases quickly and efficiently without it turning into a lecture, added in a few jokes to keep it light but i especially liked when he asked for all the novices to raise their hands and then all the drivers with race licences, gave a good indication of who you are sharing track time with.

Also, wrist bands were attached by helpers during the briefing to reduce the usual scum at the end...


450 posts

216 months

Thursday 24th October 2019
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Yes he always gets a laugh....he should be on stage.
We were lucky with the weather


Original Poster:

2,825 posts

170 months

Thursday 24th October 2019
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Yes, bloody lucky! It’s rained all day today...

I was in the silver megane, my brother was in the Brown GT4, we had a great day...


11,666 posts

199 months

Thursday 24th October 2019
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Itsallicanafford said:
... Brown GT4...
Fair play, makes quite a change from yellow/red/greyscale!


511 posts

91 months

Friday 25th October 2019
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Ha! Yes that was a great briefing - and that roll call was useful too. First time at Donington yesterday - what a fantastic track. Although would say driving was noticeably more aggressive than other tracks I've been to.

Managed to get a tuition slot which was also very useful, although I ended up slower but smoother after tuition while trying to put everything into practice - was in a blue golf. Will have to go again.

Can't believe how lucky we were with the weather.


155 posts

181 months

Friday 25th October 2019
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15,966 posts

129 months

Friday 25th October 2019
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Looks like a good time.
I've only done Donngton twice, at Vag action days.

Want to go back for a full day. Love the circuit.