New tarmac at Silverstone

New tarmac at Silverstone



Original Poster:

1,742 posts

221 months

Wednesday 31st July 2019
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I took part in the Goldtrack day there yesterday in appalling conditions and was staggered by the new surface. The grip in the wet is nearly as good as it is in the dry. It has so much grip that the car tyres were squealing when the track was sodden!



1,644 posts

208 months

Wednesday 31st July 2019
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Is it the entire track then?




24,401 posts

232 months

Wednesday 31st July 2019
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The whole track was resurfaced yes....

There are some bumps to be ironed out at Brooklands I understand....


65 months

Wednesday 31st July 2019
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Drainage is not good. Its a very odd surface.


6,617 posts

203 months

Thursday 1st August 2019
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jsf said:
Drainage is not good. Its a very odd surface.
I thought drainage was the reason they replaced the previous ‘new’ surface. Are you saying it’s still a problem?


65 months

Thursday 1st August 2019
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SpudLink said:
I thought drainage was the reason they replaced the previous ‘new’ surface. Are you saying it’s still a problem?


Original Poster:

1,742 posts

221 months

Thursday 1st August 2019
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It looks worse than it is. If you have very wide tyres and it’s raining heavily, there’s always a risk of aquaplaning. I did a 2:47 in a clio 197 on normal road tyres in the heaviest of rain (just before the day was ended early due to the weather).


65 months

Thursday 1st August 2019
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I was running an F1 car at the weekend, the drainage is poor with lots of standing water. Track day cars, the tyres used on those will always cut through the water unless you are on very dry biased tyres.

The track was resurfaced mainly to accommodate the modern F1 cars (to get rid of the bumps was the main reason, not drainage), if it rains next year expect plenty of SC laps.