Quickest arrive and drive karts?

Quickest arrive and drive karts?



Original Poster:

704 posts

74 months

Tuesday 28th May 2019
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I've done DMAX 125's but I feel they're not quick enough. Club100 has been mentioned but they look to be about the same pace. Is there anything quicker?


377 posts

216 months

Tuesday 28th May 2019
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Daytona in Milton Keynes have the DMAX carts and they state that they’re the quickest arrive and drive karts available. I’d also be interested to hear if there is anything quicker available for A&D in the U.K.


595 posts

177 months

Wednesday 29th May 2019
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it's c100/dmax i'm afraid for traditional arrive and drive. But you can arrive + drive in the owner-driver world of karting. Theres nothing slower than a c100 in senior karting, even prokarts are 1-1.5second a lap faster than a c100, let alone a rotax max on mojo's.


1,742 posts

221 months

Wednesday 29th May 2019
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I've rented an Aixro 50bhp rotary kart a few times. They're quite fast...


5,882 posts

112 months

Wednesday 29th May 2019
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drakart said:
I've rented an Aixro 50bhp rotary kart a few times. They're quite fast...
can't believe public can rock up and drive one of those?


Original Poster:

704 posts

74 months

Wednesday 29th May 2019
quotequote all
drakart said:
I've rented an Aixro 50bhp rotary kart a few times. They're quite fast...
I like the sound of that. Where can I do that?


1,742 posts

221 months

Thursday 30th May 2019
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CABC said:
drakart said:
I've rented an Aixro 50bhp rotary kart a few times. They're quite fast...
can't believe public can rock up and drive one of those?
It's not as simple as that, but you can rent them from AIM on a track day.


1,742 posts

221 months

Thursday 30th May 2019
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fiju said:
I like the sound of that. Where can I do that?
I'll send you a DM


Original Poster:

704 posts

74 months

Friday 31st May 2019
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Still waiting for this elusive pm...


1,742 posts

221 months

Friday 31st May 2019
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fiju said:
Still waiting for this elusive pm...
Your account doesn't allow them


Original Poster:

704 posts

74 months

Friday 31st May 2019
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May as well just share the info for all to see, unless it's some sort of big secret?