Goodwood Driving Experience?

Goodwood Driving Experience?



Original Poster:

1,473 posts

227 months

Friday 17th May 2019
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It’s my Dads birthday soon, and we are both avid Goodwood Revival fans, and I was wondering if anyone does a track day experience on the Revival circuit in either a classic, or modern car?

Thanks I’m advance for any input.


42,487 posts

294 months

Friday 17th May 2019
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Bunch of stuff on here:

A good while back I bought my dad a track day there and they used to have IIRC an E-Type, Cobra and another classic car (possibly a Healey). You drove all three.


1,391 posts

266 months

Sunday 19th May 2019
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The 'Revival' track experience is expensive and you don't get much track time (12 laps!) - the modern car version (Performance Track) is significantly cheaper and you get 3x 15 minute sessions (so around three times as much track time). From memory its in a Cooper S, M4 and I8.


1,391 posts

266 months

Wednesday 22nd May 2019
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I spoke to Alan Wiltshire (Goodwood Chief Instructor) on Monday and he did say that the Performance Track events have no restrictions or limits as to performance/speed/revs etc - basically if the instructor with you is happy then track day speeds are doable.