Two car/double deck trailer hire

Two car/double deck trailer hire



Original Poster:

374 posts

181 months

Friday 1st March 2019
quotequote all
Does anyone know of a company that hires a double deck trailer?

I need something that'll take two 700-800KG cars for a euro trip but struggling to find anything.


216 posts

248 months

Tuesday 5th March 2019
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Best bet is to ring a few of the trailer companies that make that sort of trailer and see if they know of anyone that hires them out.

or just buy one use it for the trip then sell it on

Barwell Trailers - 07791322390 - he seems to be worth a call

Edited by crossie on Tuesday 5th March 12:54


1,017 posts

231 months

Tuesday 5th March 2019
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There are always a few for sale on RCD but self drive hire of expensive trailers is a rare offering as its so easy to damage them.


601 posts

152 months

Friday 8th March 2019
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crossie said:
Which trailers on those sites meet the OP's requirements of carrying 2 cars??


216 posts

248 months

Monday 11th March 2019
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SteveR1979 said:
Which trailers on those sites meet the OP's requirements of carrying 2 cars??
Non but covers Niges comment

[quote]There are always a few for sale on RCD but self drive hire of expensive trailers is a rare offering as its so easy to damage them.


216 posts

248 months

Friday 15th March 2019
quotequote all
H & T Trailers rent a double deck trailer

0121 3277172


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