Book recommendation - advanced driving speed & safety
I've just booked a PalmerSport event - I'll be driving a Renault Clio Cup Racer and the Formula 3000 single seater.
I mentioned this at work at pretty much unanimously everyone sucked their lips and told me they wouldn't get in that car because they'd probably kill themselves.
Not something I'd considered before signing up! lol
Anyway, I've never really driven that fast or looked at advanced driving techniques, so I thought I'd get a book and have a flick through.
So, does anyone have any book recommendations that will help me drive fast, but not kill myself...
I've just booked a PalmerSport event - I'll be driving a Renault Clio Cup Racer and the Formula 3000 single seater.
I mentioned this at work at pretty much unanimously everyone sucked their lips and told me they wouldn't get in that car because they'd probably kill themselves.
Not something I'd considered before signing up! lol
Anyway, I've never really driven that fast or looked at advanced driving techniques, so I thought I'd get a book and have a flick through.
So, does anyone have any book recommendations that will help me drive fast, but not kill myself...
I'm slightly intrigued why if you've never been "into" driving fast on the road you've suddenly gone and booked a drive in a single seater!
Anyway, if you go to the Driver61 website they have a Driver's University section which is good if you really want to learn about racing lines and car control from scratch. That's obviously just theory though, you'd really need practice to actually apply some of that stuff, for example just about every crap driver on the road probably knows you're supposed to "steer into a skid" but I highly doubt many people would succesfully manage that in an emergency without having ever tried it (most likely not taking the lock off early enough and penduluming off the road in the opposite direction
Anyway, if you go to the Driver61 website they have a Driver's University section which is good if you really want to learn about racing lines and car control from scratch. That's obviously just theory though, you'd really need practice to actually apply some of that stuff, for example just about every crap driver on the road probably knows you're supposed to "steer into a skid" but I highly doubt many people would succesfully manage that in an emergency without having ever tried it (most likely not taking the lock off early enough and penduluming off the road in the opposite direction

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