Petrol stations Blyton Park

Petrol stations Blyton Park



Original Poster:

1,317 posts

145 months

Wednesday 12th September 2018
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About 5 years ago I did a track day at Blyton Park. Had to fill car with 95 Ron as that's all what was available. Is this still the case or have the petrol stations in Gainsborough upgraded their pumps? Going again this weekend.

Car is an old JDM import and spits it's dummies out unless running on the good stuff.


1,555 posts

229 months

Wednesday 12th September 2018
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Yep, plenty of fuel stations in Gainsborough have SUL now.



74 posts

98 months

Thursday 13th September 2018
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You might want to check that, I was there at the beginning of July there weren't any 98/99 pumps at any of the fuel stations in Gainsborough, I tried them all!

I had to go to Tesco at Shorpe.


7,049 posts

161 months

Thursday 13th September 2018
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I'm fairly sure there is a Tesco fuelling station in Gainsborough.

I'm aware of at least three others so I don't imagine you'll have a problem.


3,041 posts

167 months

Thursday 13th September 2018
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Rick101 said:
I'm fairly sure there is a Tesco fuelling station in Gainsborough.

I'm aware of at least three others so I don't imagine you'll have a problem.
There is but looks like they don't have Momentum:,-0.77271...


74 posts

98 months

Thursday 13th September 2018
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It definitely only has Regular & Diesel


678 posts

231 months

Thursday 13th September 2018
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There's a JET station on the outskirts of Scun-thorpe that sells super:,-0.68419...

Next nearest would probably be the Shell station heading south on the A15:,-0.54702...

Both a bit of a drag from the track though. Gerry cans ftw!