Green Hell Credits?

Green Hell Credits?



Original Poster:

190 posts

106 months

Thursday 30th August 2018
quotequote all
So its been a few years since I've visited the ring, and it seems to have gone and got all modern. Could someone please give me the low down on GHC and what they can be used for? Or perhaps the optimum amount to spend initially to get a laps (say around 10) + GHC?

Can said credits only be put toward more laps or are they redeemable for food and drink??

All advice welcome



Original Poster:

190 posts

106 months

Friday 31st August 2018
quotequote all


1,434 posts

168 months

Friday 31st August 2018
quotequote all
Laps only I think as I have just used my last 6 from my card this month .


Helical said:
So its been a few years since I've visited the ring, and it seems to have gone and got all modern. Could someone please give me the low down on GHC and what they can be used for? Or perhaps the optimum amount to spend initially to get a laps (say around 10) + GHC?

Can said credits only be put toward more laps or are they redeemable for food and drink??

All advice welcome
