Anglesey Circuit has banned all EVs/Hybrids from trackdays

Anglesey Circuit has banned all EVs/Hybrids from trackdays



11,307 posts

287 months

Thursday 11th January
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SpudLink said:
Bike engined AS One from Automotive Solutions in Germany.

A review...

There was even an early PH thread...

Edited by SpudLink on Thursday 11th January 15:49
Sounds about right. That photo was from April 2003 on the original 0.9 mile circuit.


62 posts

84 months

Thursday 11th January
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Maybe its insurance based as more and more EVs are getting close to 3 second 0-60 times. Lots of inexperienced drivers with that much power is a recipe for a world of hurt. Especially where there are spectators or property as well.


4,985 posts

195 months

Thursday 11th January
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The worst type of driver to be behind on a track day is one who is fast in a straight line but slow in the corners, as most EV's are the very embodiment of this (heavy with skinny tyres as well for economy) perhaps it's unrelated to the fire risk but more due to the demands of other trackday users which will be in cars which have a much slower straight line speed but will be quicker through the corners due to the lack of mass and wider tyres?

sixor8 said:
Coincidence but an electric bus fire today in London will cause some frothing I expect. rolleyes
Good thing it happened at 7am whilst the bus was on the road rather than a couple of hours before when it was likely snugly nestled in the bus depo.


4,596 posts

156 months

Thursday 11th January
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C70R said:
Lordbenny said:
C70R said:
Only if you were dense enough to believe that it wasn't a non-hybrid diesel that caused that fire.
What caused the fire is inconsequential, the fact if the matter was that there were a LOT of burning EVs in the car park that could not be contained and that resulted in the whole £20,000,000 car park burning for days with all the cars inside being written off!

The official report from Bedfordshire Fire Service said that the fire was "successfully extinguished" less than 12 hours after it started, and doesn't mention EVs.

But what would they know? laugh
There was a similar fire a few years back in Liverpool. Also open faced multi-storey car park allowing plenty of air flow for the incineration. Again that was caused by a diesel Land Rover (was it a fuel line leak on hot engine?).

But in the past, write off of whole car parks was not a thing but it is now. Insurance works on statistics so it is likely that this had an impact on EV insurance premiums.

For a track then you are talking about pushing the acceleration and braking limits over extending periods increasing heat concentration. I could imagine that this does not sit well with insurance companies. As another post has said, the economics to ensure fire safety is probably too high a hurdle for the track company.


1,304 posts

173 months

Thursday 11th January
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i wonder if, in the future, TDOs will offer ICE only trackdays that are cheaper than trackdays that allow EVs, because the associated insurance and facilities on hand during the trackday is cheaper for an ICE cars only day.

Sadly, i suspect the cost of improving the capabilities of circuits to deal with EV related incidents as associated insurance costs will be spread evenly across all trackdays, so unfortunately the cost of trackdays for the 99% of us who track purely ICE cars will go up to cater for the 1% who decide to take an EV on track.

I've got no problems with a track banning EV cars, really. if you do want to take an EV on track, find a track that is suitable. its the same with FIA grading circuits for suitability. Silverstone will definitely have the capabilities to deal with EVs as its a FIA Grade 1 circuit. Suspect the likes of Donington, Snetterton and Oulton Park will also become EV capable. but Anglesey is a small track, perfectly fine them refusing the upgrade costs and just banning EVs instead.


10,959 posts

200 months

Thursday 11th January
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Anyone got an official link (apologies if I missed it). Can't find anything on the circuit website or socials at all.

The only place this is coming up is on PH


57,085 posts

207 months

Thursday 11th January
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LivLL said:
Anyone got an official link (apologies if I missed it). Can't find anything on the circuit website or socials at all.

The only place this is coming up is on PH
I think it originates here;

The press officer at Anglesey is Andrew Môn Hughes - maybe someone who does Twitter can ask him?


491 posts

160 months

Thursday 11th January
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I think it is because they don't make enough noise.

Pit Pony

8,987 posts

124 months

Thursday 11th January
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Mikebentley said:
Pit Pony said:
Mikebentley said:
Well that’s the Honda Jazz debut ruined. Another good reason to give Wales a swerve.

Just go and do the unofficial coastal circuit at midnight on the first Sunday of the month. Start line ? Waitrose carpark at Menai Bridge.
Cool see yo there Bruv innit ya tard. biggrin

Edited by Mikebentley on Thursday 11th January 15:51
I'm.making it up, but my sister is in Menai Bridge, and there's a few nice roads nearby which are best enjoyed when they are empty. Ie at night.

I quite like this one. 60 limit 3 stripe road. Difficult to get to the speed limit and feel safe.


10,959 posts

200 months

Thursday 11th January
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Seems so far just one person has posted on Facebook, nothing at all from the circuit.

Banning hybrids rules out virtually every recent and new supercar. Something doesn't ring true.


573 posts

161 months

Thursday 11th January
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Would it not make more sense to have EV only track days instead?

No noise limit issues to deal with and much less likely to have a fire than ICE vehicles...


2,064 posts

186 months

Thursday 11th January
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C70R said:
I'll probably never do a trackday in an EV, but thickos celebrating more restrictions on trackdays should be careful what they wish for. I suspect they'd be up in arms if they were bright enough to realise that the next generation of M3/4 would also be excluded as an MHEV.

Edited by C70R on Thursday 11th January 14:17
Yes, just like the 'thickos' on the ULEZ thread, 'celebrating more restrictions' who 'should be careful what they wish for.'


1,283 posts

234 months

Thursday 11th January
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LivLL said:
Anyone got an official link (apologies if I missed it). Can't find anything on the circuit website or socials at all.

The only place this is coming up is on PH
It is stated on the open track website - electric & hybrid vehicles are not permitted on this circuit.


585 posts

22 months

Thursday 11th January
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E-bmw said:
peterperkins said:

Honda Insight ZE1

Prius etc
Lost count of the number of those I have seen on a track day. wink
Just need to look a little harder.


585 posts

22 months

Thursday 11th January
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untakenname said:
The worst type of driver to be behind on a track day is one who is fast in a straight line but slow in the corners, as most EV's are the very embodiment of this (heavy with skinny tyres as well for economy) perhaps it's unrelated to the fire risk but more due to the demands of other trackday users which will be in cars which have a much slower straight line speed but will be quicker through the corners due to the lack of mass and wider tyres?
I guarantee its not that.


9,416 posts

155 months

Friday 12th January
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_Rodders_ said:
E-bmw said:
peterperkins said:

Honda Insight ZE1

Prius etc
Lost count of the number of those I have seen on a track day. wink
Just need to look a little harder.

Just guessing, but I don't think any of those pics were actually taken on track days though.

The first one is on a rally stage.

The second one is on a closed track in 'merica.

The third one is on grass in 'merica.

The last one is clearly on a road not a TD.

Still saying not on a UK TD. wink


17,596 posts

107 months

Friday 12th January
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Why do people post stuff like this? Why do EV discussions bring out some of the dimmest content on here?

dave01253 said:
Maybe its insurance based as more and more EVs are getting close to 3 second 0-60 times. Lots of inexperienced drivers with that much power is a recipe for a world of hurt. Especially where there are spectators or property as well.
untakenname said:
The worst type of driver to be behind on a track day is one who is fast in a straight line but slow in the corners, as most EV's are the very embodiment of this (heavy with skinny tyres as well for economy) perhaps it's unrelated to the fire risk but more due to the demands of other trackday users which will be in cars which have a much slower straight line speed but will be quicker through the corners due to the lack of mass and wider tyres?


6,160 posts

195 months

Friday 12th January
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C70R said:
Why do people post stuff like this? Why do EV discussions bring out some of the dimmest content on here?

dave01253 said:
Maybe its insurance based as more and more EVs are getting close to 3 second 0-60 times. Lots of inexperienced drivers with that much power is a recipe for a world of hurt. Especially where there are spectators or property as well.
untakenname said:
The worst type of driver to be behind on a track day is one who is fast in a straight line but slow in the corners, as most EV's are the very embodiment of this (heavy with skinny tyres as well for economy) perhaps it's unrelated to the fire risk but more due to the demands of other trackday users which will be in cars which have a much slower straight line speed but will be quicker through the corners due to the lack of mass and wider tyres?
This is PH. Why should EV discussions be exempt from idiot comments. wink


582 posts

97 months

Friday 12th January
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Anglesea can do what they want, its their circuit, if they don't want EVs then fair enough, if you have an EV go somewhere else.

Could be that they have had enough of people on trackdays in EVs playing with their centre console 40" ipads and deem it distracting lol


11,307 posts

287 months

Friday 12th January
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1781cc said:
Anglesea can do what they want, its their circuit, if they don't want EVs then fair enough, if you have an EV go somewhere else.

Could be that they have had enough of people on trackdays in EVs playing with their centre console 40" ipads and deem it distracting lol
I'm waiting for the next round of Nurburging records where everything will be sub-8 whilst in FSD mode and playing Portal from the passenger seat.