the ring, insurance questions

the ring, insurance questions



1,488 posts

174 months

Monday 15th December 2014
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I agree /know only too well the difference in adhesion quaulities.Non the less, hit apatch of water etc and grip level will decrease significantly.
Btw, no need to worry wink How do you tell the difference between coolant and watrr from twenty five metres away?

Edited by terenceb on Monday 15th December 07:18


230 posts

113 months

Thursday 2nd April 2015
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Lapping the Ring has always been on my bucket list, but after reading this I think I'll cross it off...


7,826 posts

256 months

Saturday 4th April 2015
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So an insurance broker at Spa on Tuesday is saying there is a new EU ruling coming in very soon, apparently you will have 3rd party cover and insurance companies will not be able to come after you for costs.

Personally, I will wait until I see it, but it could potentially re-open up TF days to all of us?


6,813 posts

209 months

Saturday 4th April 2015
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Dakkon said:
So an insurance broker at Spa on Tuesday is saying there is a new EU ruling coming in very soon, apparently you will have 3rd party cover and insurance companies will not be able to come after you for costs.

Personally, I will wait until I see it, but it could potentially re-open up TF days to all of us?
I read that.


1,613 posts

221 months

Thursday 9th April 2015
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agtlaw said:
I read that.
Did you come to the same conclusion too ?


6,813 posts

209 months

Thursday 9th April 2015
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Wh00sher said:
Did you come to the same conclusion too ?
I read it on my website.


3,498 posts

272 months

Thursday 23rd April 2015
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Very helpful AGT.... so will you be doing TF laps?


765 posts

168 months

Monday 10th August 2015
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agtlaw said:
I read that.
Any idea when this will come into force ?



1,349 posts

207 months

Wednesday 21st October 2015
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The article in The Times said that TP cover was likely to follow subsequent to a farm worker who was hit by a tractor on private land (and therefore not required to have insurance). So the follow on is that all vehicles may be required to have TP cover. I believe we all have it on TF at the Nordschleife anyway it is just that insurers will try to recover from you.

I cannot see the situation changing anytime soon (to our benefit) but I am not a legal eagle.

A gentleman at Manthey in Meuspath was saying to me the other day thet even German insurers are refusing to pay some claims at the 'toll road'.



6,813 posts

209 months

Wednesday 21st October 2015
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Pip1968 said:
The article in The Times said ...
Interesting. Can you cut/paste the bit about insurance?


1,349 posts

207 months

Tuesday 10th November 2015
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ATGLAW apologies, I have only just come back to this thread but am sure you could Google search it.



1,349 posts

207 months

Monday 16th November 2015
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Here is the link but you will have to pay to see it all:



8,888 posts

180 months

Saturday 8th April 2017
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Sorry to bump an old thread but given that it's now 2017, what is the current status of track insurance at the ring especially on a TF day?

Is it possible to get cover for your own car? Is TP cover still non existent?


554 posts

158 months

Monday 5th June 2017
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giblet said:
Sorry to bump an old thread but given that it's now 2017, what is the current status of track insurance at the ring especially on a TF day?

Is it possible to get cover for your own car? Is TP cover still non existent?
Pretty much non-existant, if you don't want to risk you own car, you can always rent one, then you're only on the hook for the excess for that car + barrier etc.


8,888 posts

180 months

Monday 5th June 2017
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IT1GTR said:
Pretty much non-existant, if you don't want to risk you own car, you can always rent one, then you're only on the hook for the excess for that car + barrier etc.
Cheers. Found a company that did quote me but it was ridiculous so went without. Was there midweek and only did 3 laps each day across both days. It was fairly quiet compared to the crazy weekend videos I've seen.


554 posts

158 months

Monday 5th June 2017
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giblet said:
Cheers. Found a company that did quote me but it was ridiculous so went without. Was there midweek and only did 3 laps each day across both days. It was fairly quiet compared to the crazy weekend videos I've seen.
Yes, the issue for me is not so much loosing the car plus the barrier, but any third party costs, for example if a bike were to crash on your fluid etc.

Shameless plug, but I work for Ring Garage, can probably sort out a rental deal if your looking for one next time...


21,477 posts

220 months

Tuesday 20th June 2017
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IT1GTR said:
giblet said:
Is TP cover still non existent?
Pretty much non-existant,
AGTLAW was (half) hinting that things had changed a while ago but when pressed he didn't clarify what he knew so that was quite opaque.

AFAIK nothing has changed and you still do not have any TP cover on a TF day in a UK reg car nor can you buy it from anyone.

If anyone knows any differently (inc AGTLAW) it'd be good to share that knowledge please.


6,813 posts

209 months

Tuesday 20th June 2017
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Nickfrog apparently gets his (very limited) info from internet forums. I don't and he's wrong again.

Edited by agtlaw on Tuesday 20th June 12:26


21,477 posts

220 months

Tuesday 20th June 2017
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agtlaw said:
Nickfrog apparently gets his (very limited) info from internet forums. I don't and he's wrong again.
Here you are ! In May 2016 you hinted that things had changed post-2014 - I kindly asked you what the score was. Are insurers, who have to cover TP risk even on TF, not trying to recover costs any longer?

You decided not to reply at the time - which is fair enough - so my info in this area is indeed very limited to either searching online - or asking around at the Ring and/or in the motorsport industry where I work, but where no one is aware of any change whatsoever about third party liability on TF in a UK car.

Hence me asking if anyone knows otherwise ?

If you know, why don't you tell us ? If you don't then fair enough but how can we guess ? So I am quite right in saying that AFAIK there has been no change - unless of course you know otherwise and in which case please share - if you don't then you'll understand that I'll assume you are totally wrong on the subject or that you have an ulterior motive for not disclosing the changes, which I'd totally understand as well, but just say so please.

When you say wrong again ? How can I guess I am wrong in the first place if you don't tell us what the change is ? Particularly when you seem to be the only one to know of any change at all or any recent jurisprudence. I do hope I am wrong btw.

Here is a link of the thread where agtlaw already hinted at a change but didn't tell us anymore than "we're wrong" (which would be great news).

So if the UK insurers have stopped being legally able to come after us for breach of T&Cs after they've settled a TP claim, it'd be great to know that for a fact.

If not, we'll have to carry on feeding Darren at DN !

Edited by nickfrog on Tuesday 20th June 18:56


1,349 posts

207 months

Wednesday 28th June 2017
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Well I am no legal eagle and Atglaw is probably unwilling to comment until the final solution. I get the impression 'they' don't like to have 'evidence' against them wink esp in writing.

I am sure that this is the key point from the linked article on the other related topic ( from 10th May 2016 post):

[i]For the future, it is to be assumed that there will have to be legislative amendment to s 143 to encompass use of motor vehicles on private land, including off-road. When and how this takes place remains to be seen.

Sarah Crowther, barrister, Outer Temple Chambers ([/i]

It seems to me that UK Insurers are possibly no longer recovering funds against drivers for third party risks following incidents on the Nordschleife (and rightly so - it is about time). As I am not a legal eagle whether this remains set in stone, I have no idea.
