Nurburgring 2024



6,252 posts

176 months

Tuesday 7th May
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Wh00sher said:
Really looking forward to Friday, the weather forecast looks good too!
I hope the forecast is right as it's horrible here at the moment


Original Poster:

2,656 posts

135 months

Wednesday 8th May
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Last dance for the Golf …end of an era ! Did you source a R8 yet or what will you have for Ringmeisters?


1,613 posts

221 months

Wednesday 8th May
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RSbandit said:
Last dance for the Golf …end of an era ! Did you source a R8 yet or what will you have for Ringmeisters?
I have the R8, picked it up last week. smile it's soooo good.

Not ready to track yet, a final outing in the Golf felt more appropriate.

It'll definitely be R8 for Ringmeisters.


Original Poster:

2,656 posts

135 months

Thursday 9th May
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nice V8 or V10?


2,855 posts

98 months

Thursday 9th May
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I cant get over no one buying this yet. RHD good to go.


8,814 posts

231 months

Thursday 9th May
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Wh00sher said:
I have the R8, picked it up last week. smile it's soooo good.

Not ready to track yet, a final outing in the Golf felt more appropriate.

It'll definitely be R8 for Ringmeisters.
Will be interesting to see progress on this it's amazing that more people dont use these cars as a base for a focused track car. As I said to you previously I very closely looked at a V8 when my vx was in one of its many nine rebuild states. It's currently STILL in one of those states.....

Just had a ball at Oulton today in the GT4 what a car that is


2,855 posts

98 months

Friday 10th May
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PRO5T said:
Kev_Mk3 said:
PRO5T said:
Fingers crossed for the weather but say hello to any nutters with red wheels fitted

That is beautiful
See you where chatting with Mischa this evening scratchchin;)


4,311 posts

28 months

Friday 10th May
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Kev_Mk3 said:
PRO5T said:
Kev_Mk3 said:
PRO5T said:
Fingers crossed for the weather but say hello to any nutters with red wheels fitted

That is beautiful
See you where chatting with Mischa this evening scratchchin;)
Yes! Nice lad, I met him some years ago when he first moved out and he does like a 996-No laps though he was wanting to show me some new aero he’s developed for a 996 cup car. Going to meet him tomorrow.


Original Poster:

2,656 posts

135 months

Saturday 11th May
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Good day at DN yday? Looks like TF rammed this weekend .


5,995 posts

218 months

Saturday 11th May
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RSbandit said:
Good day at DN yday? Looks like TF rammed this weekend .
Thursdays TF was chaos, I snuck out for 4 laps. But it was queues every which way to get on and 15 min queues after the gantry to get off at times. Mist didn't lift until 10am so they kept it closed until then, and a closure from 5pm-6pm for a fairly major incident (police and ambo on track).

It was fun but not for the faint hearted on track. Really considering if I save up for a DN day next year. But then there's the question of if my car will stand up to a higher duty cycle of lapping?!


8,814 posts

231 months

Saturday 11th May
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Circuit days is a good alternative it's half the cost of DN but a solid bridge from the chaos of TF. DN is like having the place to yourself CD can be busy but not like queuing to get on track busy. It was a CD day about 7 years back that saw the end of my tourist driving career!


5,995 posts

218 months

Saturday 11th May
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fridaypassion said:
Circuit days is a good alternative it's half the cost of DN but a solid bridge from the chaos of TF. DN is like having the place to yourself CD can be busy but not like queuing to get on track busy. It was a CD day about 7 years back that saw the end of my tourist driving career!
I had a passenger lap with our friend who has a GT3 (and a GT4 RS) and has done 8 full days training on the track. Our own personal ring taxi! Quite eye opening but he also hates TF. Someone left their s2000 on its handbrake and it rolled back Into his door and wing this year paperbag

My Cayman was epic though. Thoroughly enjoyed myself and no incidents to report. We did have to scrap a Fiesta in Belgium though after someone forgot to check it's oil...


8,814 posts

231 months

Saturday 11th May
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TF is a great event a big buzz but the true quality track time will be pretty hard to come by these days well it always was for the most part.....I used to do pre breakfast lapping but going by the posts from this weekend that's no longer an easy option!


4,311 posts

28 months

Saturday 11th May
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Not sure I’d agree, this weekend was a bank holiday on the Thursday, DN track day Friday then TF all weekend.

Must have rivalled Easter for busyness!

This morning was good laps early doors until the early closure and as always, the bampots either head off to the pub or have wiped themselves out by 4pm.

It’s never going back to pre-Top Gear levels but the good laps are still there to be had if you can stomach the risks.

We were watching over lunch time (when the max dogs come out) and the amount of Brits going full send with caged cars and no helmets was eyebrow raising.

But then, it’s not like I haven’t down it myself when younger. The innocence of youth!


40,732 posts

286 months

Sunday 12th May
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Superb event. Very little traffic on track I felt. Most drivers were excellent.


8,814 posts

231 months

Sunday 12th May
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Looks like perfect conditions had a few mates out there said it was a classic with the weather. Summer DN is great but the last two years when I've been crikey it's been hot. In 22 the second day was almost a write off as it was just so hot you couldn't keep on top of the tyres but still really enjoyable. Last year was more manageable but still a very hot couple of days. Will see what this year brings!


2,467 posts

215 months

Sunday 12th May
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We just left there this morning.... So the track day was Friday? Did many stay for the tourist drives Saturday and Sunday? And a German publication holiday on Thursday right?

As Saturday was so absurdity busy, with enormous speed differences, that it wasn't much fun, and couldn't be much fun for the fast cars either?

From the last time I went it all seems massively more serious - it used to be sports cars but all very much road cars... This time it seems to be stickered up race cars, on semi slicks and going for maximum attack! And that's the majority... Not sure if it's the Insta / social media effect of making it busy or just the timing of our stop?


2,625 posts

211 months

Sunday 12th May
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I was driving around on Saturday early morning after DN for some pics in the area and gosh was it busy even at 8am for the early birds. Plus so much serious machinery...every kind of (modern) GT Porsche all looking like serious lapping machines and not polishing machines.

DN itself was just awesome. As others have said, even though the paddock was full of cars, surprisingly low traffic on guess is most people were driving briskly so you seldom came across slower moving cars on any given lap.


40,732 posts

286 months

Monday 13th May
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LaSource said:
I was driving around on Saturday early morning after DN for some pics in the area and gosh was it busy even at 8am for the early birds. Plus so much serious machinery...every kind of (modern) GT Porsche all looking like serious lapping machines and not polishing machines.

DN itself was just awesome. As others have said, even though the paddock was full of cars, surprisingly low traffic on guess is most people were driving briskly so you seldom came across slower moving cars on any given lap.
I think you're right. If you can put a BTG of 8 min, plus or minus 30 or 40 seconds together, you were about similar pace to most everything else. Except Moritz Kranz in the AMG Green Hell car. hehe

As a result, you very seldom actually get caught or passed on a 2 lap stint. Not many cars on road tyres can do much more than 3 laps.


197 posts

165 months

Monday 13th May
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I’m just back from the weekends TF and while it was incredibly busy, you can still get some good laps in.

We queued up from the turn in from the road from Adenau to the Dottinger Hohe to try and get on Friday evening. Arriving at the junction at 5.40pm we queued until 7.15 to get the roundabout at the entrance only for there to be a crash which ended the session early. Track and surrounding roads were rammed but it was all well mannered with people just accepting were all there for the same thing.

Saturday morning was chaos. We got to the Devils Diner for 7.20 and while we could drive straight in there was already a line of cars on the side of the road down from Nürburg by 7.30 and all roads were gridlocked again by the time the entrance was opened at 8. We decided to sit out the first 40 mins to allow people to establish a rhythm on track and miss the inevitable amount of overexcited drivers on cold track rubber trying to get a quick lap in while the track was ‘quiet’.

Once I got on I found it fine, 2 fairly busy laps to earn up the tyres then a chill at t13 at the start of my third to do the tyre pressures. This left me stranded in there during the closure so I sat in the grandstand with a bottle of water and looked at the view for a bit.
Once the track reopened I had the quietest lap of my life as we had a 1km head start on those at the start and by letting those in faster cars head out first I had the rest of the lap where I only had to let 3 or 4 cars pass and only caught one!

I went to watch over lunchtime as it gets daft on track but I found that after lunch the roads around the track and the queue to get off were larger then the track itself, even in a daily slow car banging out mid 9’s I had plenty of sections where I didn’t have a string of M cars and Porsche's flying by.

As another poster has said, most people head off mid afternoon satisfied that they’ve had their fun and still have their car, leaving it slightly quieter and a fair bit calmer with even the fast peddlers settled into a good flow and more patient with the slower stuff.

The risks of TF are well documented, but it has a draw and vibe which is truly unique. I already can’t wait to get back in ‘26!

P.S. If the Brit in the Alpine who had an off between Miss Hit Miss and Wehrsiefen is on here, I hope you and your passenger are ok and you’ve got home ok?