


Original Poster:

4,071 posts

218 months

Monday 7th January 2008
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any swiss hoons coming up? just bought a car worthy of hooning (ok its only a zs 180 but the landcruiser isn't really a hooning car)


Original Poster:

4,071 posts

218 months

Tuesday 8th January 2008
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JMGS4 said:
Smiler, why don't you organise one and we'll join you? or I can plan one here?
JMGS4 in the Black Forest about 5ks from Basel
I'm in Zurich, don't really know any hooning roads, planning to go to the ring at some point soon, anyone up for a hoon to (and round) the ring smile


Original Poster:

4,071 posts

218 months

Tuesday 8th January 2008
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JMGS4 said:
Smiler, I'm in Lörrach, why waste your time going to the 'ring (550km away)when there are superb roads here in the southern Black Forest. Can let you know some; as soon as the weather gets better we can get together and do a few roads around here,
sounds good smile

as the ring is so close (compaired to living in england) it would be rude of me not to do it


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4,071 posts

218 months

Wednesday 9th January 2008
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thats 3 so far then


Original Poster:

4,071 posts

218 months

Friday 11th January 2008
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JMGS4 said:
If you guys are up for it I could plan a 1 day hoon starting near here (Lörrach) around 9am, hoon till around 1, have lunch somewhere nice, then hoon to finish around 5 so you can get home before the witches fly....
as soon as the roads are clear (i.e. summer tyres) and the skiers etc are no longer clogging the roads. Looking at April time obviously..
sounds good to me


Original Poster:

4,071 posts

218 months

Monday 14th January 2008
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Sounds like a plan, top man smile


Original Poster:

4,071 posts

218 months

Monday 14th January 2008
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JMGS4 said:
OK, I've a route planned (NO, I'm not telling you!) about 250km with three or four Schwarzwald passes, lots of twisties and small roads, plenty of climbs and drops, some with barriers and some not. I expect it to be around 6 hours plus a stop for lunch somewhere (not yet recce'd)
Starting near the Autobahn A98 exit for Lörrach around 9am on a Saturday and returning with easy access to CH Autobahn...no more than 6 cars methinks? to keep it tidy..
Looking at Saturday April 5th, 12th or 26th weatherwise....Ideas?

One thing to be prepared for, Bikers abound!!!! especially the first sunny days and they can be overadventurous, so expect them in the twisties (I've had some suicidal ones, esp. french, here) over the white lines!

PS I'd make route cards for the non-mapped guys...

Edited by JMGS4 on Monday 14th January 07:56
the 12th would be good, as its my birthday weekend wink but I am free on all those dates.

the 26th is during the swiss school holidays, so I'd guess the roads will be filled with swiss campervans


Original Poster:

4,071 posts

218 months

Wednesday 16th January 2008
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Oy, mrs smilerbaker, use your own account to logon!!


Original Poster:

4,071 posts

218 months

Saturday 16th February 2008
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Chester Drawers said:
Hey Smiler - I saw from an earlier post that you're in ZH - me too, whereabouts are you?
BTW, a hoon on 12.4 could be on provided I get my car sorted before then
I work near the airport, but live near the golf park smile


Original Poster:

4,071 posts

218 months

Monday 18th February 2008
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Chester Drawers said:
smilerbaker said:
Chester Drawers said:
Hey Smiler - I saw from an earlier post that you're in ZH - me too, whereabouts are you?
BTW, a hoon on 12.4 could be on provided I get my car sorted before then
I work near the airport, but live near the golf park smile
Hmm, not exactly sure where the golf park is but I know Kloten all right.

I live in Adliswil but work in Zurich city near the lake.

Fancy a PH beer in ZH sometime? and other CH PH's ?
could do, I'll drop you a pm


Original Poster:

4,071 posts

218 months

Monday 25th February 2008
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Whats the latest with this? still all on I take it?


Original Poster:

4,071 posts

218 months

Tuesday 26th February 2008
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Original Poster:

4,071 posts

218 months

Wednesday 2nd April 2008
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smile a quick bump, all still ok? take it there is no snow over that way still


Original Poster:

4,071 posts

218 months

Wednesday 2nd April 2008
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9:30 just to be sure smile

the new inlet manifold for the car didn't turn up, so it may be a little rattly frown


Original Poster:

4,071 posts

218 months

Friday 4th April 2008
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sods law my inlet manifold has just come into stock, now not enough time to get if from the uk and fit it smile

But we'll be there


Original Poster:

4,071 posts

218 months

Friday 4th April 2008
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Just a quickie smile is this on Sat or Sun ??


Original Poster:

4,071 posts

218 months

Friday 4th April 2008
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AndrewD said:
smilerbaker said:
smile a quick bump, all still ok? take it there is no snow over that way still
Still on!
which car you taking? (My mrs loves lambo's hint hint wink )


Original Poster:

4,071 posts

218 months

Friday 4th April 2008
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JMGS4 said:
There'll be my 996 Targa, Walter is bringing his GT3...what else is coming...
Abels? Your Quattro still working?
we'll be in the (rattly) MG ZS180, trying to pursuade a friend with a 355 to come along too, but he hasn't woken it up from hibernation yet frown

Edited by smilerbaker on Friday 4th April 14:14


Original Poster:

4,071 posts

218 months

Monday 7th April 2008
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AndrewD said:
smilerbaker said:
AndrewD said:
smilerbaker said:
smile a quick bump, all still ok? take it there is no snow over that way still
Still on!
which car you taking? (My mrs loves lambo's hint hint wink )
Well it would be rude to disappoint your missus I guess!
smile your a star


Original Poster:

4,071 posts

218 months

Thursday 10th April 2008
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Also, I intend to do a run to the ring in the summer, once all the mods are bolted onto the car.