I'm moving...!



Original Poster:

6,012 posts

287 months

Monday 5th February 2007
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The missus and I am moving to Geneva area soon. Will be looking to move anytime after April (as soon as we get jobs).


Original Poster:

6,012 posts

287 months

Tuesday 6th February 2007
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Thanks for the info...! Likely be based in Vaud. Looking at Rolle which seems like a nice place. Somewhat dependent on job situation though.

Both Honda and Z4 may come with us initially for convenience but will be returned to the UK to be sold. Replacement will be CH sourced do-it-all box of some description. Plan is to live there on a permanent basis, obtain residency etc so no point having a car with the steering wheel on the wrong side I guess.

I understand Hunter fans abound in CH - they have some nice examples still flying although I don't think any are still in active service. Nice to see them appearing in a Porsche magazine though. I expect it made a nice photoshoot

Edited for speeling

Edited by roop on Tuesday 6th February 10:21


Original Poster:

6,012 posts

287 months

Monday 19th February 2007
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Shit the bed - what happened to the car...???


Original Poster:

6,012 posts

287 months

Wednesday 21st February 2007
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Hi MB,

Are you in Gland...? My dad moved there some time ago and lives next door to Schumi.

I know the airfield you mean. Hunter's aren't good on short grass strips. Need a Jaguar or something for that...! Thanks for the link to the Hunter site - very interesting.

I didn't know that Alonso had got a gaff there as well. I better buy before the proprtty prices go up...!

Thanks for the heads-up on the express. Does it stop at Gland or just Nyon...? Where's the nearest stop the other side of Rolle...?



Mogulboy said:
You like Hunters, you will love Switerland...

There are a few still flying and you can take passenger rides here...


But if you have your own already.....

Rolle is indeed a very nice place (15mins from me) although the express trains don't stop there.

Fernando Alonso has just bought a small place nearby and by small, I mean a 3 or 4 bedroom house. Not quite up there with my other neighbour. Mr Schumacher in nearby Gland...

There is a little grass strip nearby at Prangins too but it's probablz a bit short for the Hunter..