Alpine Driving



Original Poster:

230 posts

114 months

Monday 14th August 2023
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Hello, so just a question regards speeding.

Yes I know Switzerland is extremely strict with speeding and it is what it is.
However my question is about driving on alpine passes - yes - I know same rules apply.

But are there speed cameras on the alpine passes or hidden police... this is not so I can go speed across the passes - my question is more about If I got 5-10mph over on alpine passes am I still likely to get stopped and fined. Or is it quite rare for police to be up on the passes tracking speeds?

I know the rule is - just dont speed in Switzerland - but my question is more to do with do I need to watch my speedo strictly or the odd 10mph over is unlikely to be an issue (unless the police are around).

As anyone with a half a brain knows - it's more dangerous watching speedos strictly as opposed to keeping eyes on the road.


Original Poster:

230 posts

114 months

Tuesday 15th August 2023
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thanks for the heads up guys. Yeh I drove through Switzerland last year but literally had a my speed limiter on all the way.
Did get stung in Austria with an on the spot 250 euro fine - but more I think about I felt like it was a bit of setup - after a car literally was crawling well below below limit.