Cost of living in Geneva

Cost of living in Geneva



Original Poster:

5,805 posts

160 months

Saturday 20th February 2021
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Hi All.

Hope you can help.

Ive just completed the first stage of two interview process for a position at a research establishment outside Geneva (no prizes if you can guess who).

I have had a small disagreement with my mum and her partner about the cost of living in Switzerland (they lived in Zug for 4 years).

I believe the position should pay at least 5600CHF a month net of taxes but my mum and her partner think i will find it difficult to live on that much in Geneva. Now i appreciate im not going to be living like a king, but i currently live in a 1 bed flat in the UK and will be happy to live somewhere similar if i was to relocate, i dont eat extravagantly and i am fairly good at living frugally.

I was basically wondering what level of life i can expect to live on 5600CHF a month after taxes. Am i going to feel poor?


Edit: Also, i have two cars in the UK, one is a 2009 Toyota iQ, the other is a 2001 Corvette (US import) if i was to make the move how hard is it to register these in Switzerland? I have owned both for more than a year.

I hope i dont sound like im jumping the gun, i just want to have all my ducks in a line in case i get a phonecall from the prospective employer.

Edited by Benbay001 on Saturday 20th February 21:17


Original Poster:

5,805 posts

160 months

Saturday 20th February 2021
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joropug said:
I don't know the financials but a few friends live there and the biggest headache was actually getting a flat - you have to pay agents up front and go into a queue and basically have to take what comes up as they are so in demand.

Things might be different post covid mind you.
Thank you.

Thats certainly interesting.

The place is just outside of Geneva if that would make any difference.


Original Poster:

5,805 posts

160 months

Sunday 21st February 2021
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Thank you very much.



Original Poster:

5,805 posts

160 months

Sunday 21st February 2021
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m3jappa said:
I cant help but what i can say is ive been to switzerland a couple of times and i was amazed to see that almost every woman was at least an 8/10

and some of these very attractive woman seemed to have a bloke on their arm that looked like something from the hill have eyes.

didn't see one good looking bloke with a good looking woman. really bizaree it was, maybe they were all rich with massive dicks perhaps.

Even my mrs commented and agreed with me hehe
How did you know i was single? laugh


Original Poster:

5,805 posts

160 months

Sunday 21st February 2021
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elanfan said:
Is language going to be a problem?
English speaking workplace and ive been learning French for more than 4 months now and am really enjoying it.
One of the big reasons for the move is to learn French to a high standard.

But yes, wont be easy.


Original Poster:

5,805 posts

160 months

Saturday 27th February 2021
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Hi all,

Thanks for the replies.
The role is as an engineering technician rather than researcher and I heard back yesterday that i have the final stage interview on the 10th.

Ive been doing some digging and it appears that 60% of the people who work at this particular place actually live in France (you get the choice of where to choose residency as the site straddles the border).


Original Poster:

5,805 posts

160 months

Friday 5th March 2021
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Pete102 said:
Good luck. Zug has one of the lowest taxation rates in Switzerland, but as a result the rents are generally higher.

I've just accepted a role in Basel!
Good luck to you to. I have my final interview on Wednesday.

eyebeebe said:
If the salary is the same as if you were to live in Switzerland and you are tax free, it‘s going to work out a lot cheaper to live in France. I suspect easier to find better cheaper accommodation too.
Yes, its looking likely i will end up in France. Would probably be able to swap to Switzerland in the future if i decide i want to.


Original Poster:

5,805 posts

160 months

Friday 1st July 2022
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Just a quick update. The original post was for a role at CERN and anyway, I didnt get it.

However, back at the end of May i applied again, and have, this afternoon, been offered a position, so naturally i'm feeling a whole range of emotions right now.

Im facing a twist on the original dilemma of do i live in Geneva, or do i live accross the border in France? I can have a residence permit for whichever i choose.

my wallet says France, but being 29 and single i fear it could be a little lonely in a small French town with my mediocre French.

I was just looking for the opinions of others.



Original Poster:

5,805 posts

160 months

Sunday 24th July 2022
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No, im an electronics technician.

Anyway, i chose the French side of the border. Still looks fairly urbanised, from google maps at least, plus i get paid a swiss salary with only slightly inflated French costs of living.

I start 1st of October. Very exciting.


Original Poster:

5,805 posts

160 months

Tuesday 25th October 2022
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Just for continuity, im not living in France. I move into a small house in Thoiry in December.

Thanks for all the advice.