Moving to Geneva......



Original Poster:

624 posts

219 months

Thursday 8th November 2007
quotequote all
I've been deliberating about a move to Geneva for some time, having worked there for a year.

In order to persuade the wife, has anyone got any suggestions on:

1. the best location for a house (ideally on the Swiss side) with a budget of £400k and a travel time into Geneva of < 1hour ? Schooling will also be a factor.

2. decent recruiment websites / agencies (I'm an IT project manager focusing on BI / data warehousing, currently in a banking)?

3. companies to approach who may be hiring / looking for IT professionals with language skills

any ideas, suggestions on the above much appreciated.


tim the pool man

4,940 posts

220 months

Thursday 8th November 2007
quotequote all
Ultraviolet said:
I've been deliberating about a move to Geneva for some time, having worked there for a year.

In order to persuade the wife, has anyone got any suggestions on:

1. the best location for a house (ideally on the Swiss side) with a budget of £400k and a travel time into Geneva of < 1hour ? Schooling will also be a factor.

2. decent recruiment websites / agencies (I'm an IT project manager focusing on BI / data warehousing, currently in a banking)?

3. companies to approach who may be hiring / looking for IT professionals with language skills

any ideas, suggestions on the above much appreciated.

I can't offer any actual advice, other than to ask have you actually researched property prices in Switzerland? My Uncle (reasonably well off, own business and extensive car collection including Ferrari 250GTE, DB6, plus many others) has always rented an apartment. When I stayed with them all their friends did the same, they told me only seriously wealthy people own property there. They have now bought a place in rural France.

Edited by tim the pool man on Thursday 8th November 23:33


827 posts

234 months


7,553 posts

287 months

Saturday 10th November 2007
quotequote all also has listings on property rental & sales, aggregated from the popular sites so is a good one stop shop

All sorts of people own property here

Geneva though...hmmm. I'm biased, I like the German Swissies biggrin


6,012 posts

287 months

Saturday 1st December 2007
quotequote all
I live 30 mins out of Geneva in Vaud and have done for a few months after leaving the UK. Happy to answer any queries. Just Email me through profile.




339 posts

217 months

Monday 3rd December 2007
quotequote all
Buying in Geneva is expensive. No way around that. Also insofar as mortgages, you have to put down a minimum of 20% on the property.
I bought just over the border in France, about 1km from the tram line / border. The advantage is that you can have a CHF mortgage and take advantage of the lower interest rates , and that you'll get more for your cash.

If you are not bothered about being in the (small!) centre of Geneva, then perhaps consider Divonne les Bains on the Jura side - fantastic views of the alps, not far from the border and the train (Douanne de Chavannes, Coppet for the train and 20 mins to Cornavin). It's not cheap, but is a nice community, the international school is not far and there are plenty of ex-pats about. Arbere (next to Divonne) is slightly more reasonable price-wise.

Drop me a mail about jobs - I'll send you a couple of contacts at some agencies.
