Basel advice



Original Poster:

1,145 posts

108 months

Thursday 21st October 2021
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Thanks! Actually I was in the Markthalle last night, there's a great cocktail bar you should check out.

If you need any help carrying, moving, putting furniture up etc. then please do not hesitate to give me a shout, I'm sure I can spare a few hours to help out a fellow PH'er smile


Thanks Pete that's a very kind offer. Fortunately as she is in a furnished place, supplied at the moment by the company (Tally Weijl near to Markthalle), there is only a few suitcases to move across which is quite easy using the free Basel tram pass we receive as hotel guests. The rest gets delivered by Ikea. I've put together a few essential tools and a small drill which will have to go in the checked case we take. Think everything is covered, taking son over this time as well to lend a hand and then he can stay with his sister in her apartment.

One thing I thought was great was the free transport everywhere with the Basel card that you get when staying in any hotel in Basel, even covers the journey from the airport with the booking confirmation -never had that from any other city visits. Comes in very handy, enabling us to get around easily without constantly having to get tickets.

Doing the food shopping in Germany certainly saves her quite a bit although, unlike food prices,I found that booze was quite cheap enough in the Swiss supermarkets. She has learned that you can survive financially in Basel as long as you're not expecting to go to restaurants/ bars too often. Most of the socialising revolving around picnics/drinks along the Rhine or parks which we really enjoyed with such a relaxed atmosphere.

Hopefully the travel situation carries on improving especially Easyjet flights returning as there is a long awaited list of mates queuing up to visit her, starting with the Christmas food and drink markets.


Edited by monty999 on Thursday 21st October 11:24


2,065 posts

189 months

Thursday 21st October 2021
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No problem smile

The travel pass you've received also covers busses and trains in the TNW region, its super useful and with public transport being as good as it is, you can get just about anywhere relatively quickly.

Easyjet have moved onto their winter schedule so theres actually more flights available from Manchester and Gatwick which is a big help (I come back to the UK every 10 days for my children)...prior to this it was mostly via Palma or coming back into Milan and taking the train to Basel! not the easiest!

As a final note, I know you're taking some tools across, but if you need any others (electric drill, screwdrivers etc.) then I'd be happy to drop them to you.


Original Poster:

1,145 posts

108 months

Thursday 21st October 2021
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Pete102 said:
No problem smile

The travel pass you've received also covers busses and trains in the TNW region, its super useful and with public transport being as good as it is, you can get just about anywhere relatively quickly.

Easyjet have moved onto their winter schedule so theres actually more flights available from Manchester and Gatwick which is a big help (I come back to the UK every 10 days for my children)...prior to this it was mostly via Palma or coming back into Milan and taking the train to Basel! not the easiest!

As a final note, I know you're taking some tools across, but if you need any others (electric drill, screwdrivers etc.) then I'd be happy to drop them to you.
Thanks, hopefully my small selection will see us through (along with the usual ikea allen key of course wink )but if I do need anything I may give you a shout if you are anywhere near Messaplatz /Clara area.

Fortunately Easyjet are available for our flight home to Manchester on the Sunday but outgoing on the Wednesday we have to use Lufthansa again. Last time via Frankfurt which turned out to be a nightmare connection as its a massive airport, this time we are coming via Munich. The Easyjet flights for 3 of us was £105 but the Lufthansa flights were £340 !! Daughter has been using Zurich direct to Manchester up until now which was equally expensive.

Thanks for your offers mate, take care beer


2,065 posts

189 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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Yeh, pretty much anywhere in the city is easy for me smile Claraplatz included.

Have fun!