Cost of living in Geneva

Cost of living in Geneva



2,366 posts

195 months

Tuesday 19th October 2021
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''I was basically wondering what level of life i can expect to live on 5600CHF a month after taxes. Am i going to feel poor?''


2k per month rent is going to get you a st box in the right area if your lucky

or 2k is going to get you something nice if you are very very lucky or use a relocation agent

i've been here for 8 years on 7500 after tax

i feel poor indeed

it's just the grind of the little things 30 chf pizza 10 chf pint 150 chf for 2 bags of shopping

but hey maybe i'm bitter but im soo over gva and its general lack of value and what feels like free market freedom

so i'm leaving in the next few weeks

will miss the skiing mind

good luck sir


Original Poster:

5,802 posts

160 months

Friday 1st July 2022
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Just a quick update. The original post was for a role at CERN and anyway, I didnt get it.

However, back at the end of May i applied again, and have, this afternoon, been offered a position, so naturally i'm feeling a whole range of emotions right now.

Im facing a twist on the original dilemma of do i live in Geneva, or do i live accross the border in France? I can have a residence permit for whichever i choose.

my wallet says France, but being 29 and single i fear it could be a little lonely in a small French town with my mediocre French.

I was just looking for the opinions of others.



37 posts

203 months

Wednesday 13th July 2022
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Your best bet is to ask some of your new colleagues for advice. CERN is right out on the border, although not actually that far away because Geneva is relatively small. Plenty of people live in France and go back & forth every day. Also there is some advice online e.g.


2,710 posts

213 months

Friday 15th July 2022
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By living in France is the salary different?

Do the pensions differ? Any other changes in the package?


2,710 posts

213 months

Friday 15th July 2022
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By living in France is the salary different?

Do the pensions differ? Any other changes in the package?

Pit Pony

8,974 posts

124 months

Friday 15th July 2022
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Are you are scientist?

Why do our brightest brains, accept pay that is barely enough?

Is it because they are problem solvers? They solve the lack of pay by compromising on thier life style.
Rather than asking "How to I ensure someone pay me enough to live the way I'd really like to live ? "


Original Poster:

5,802 posts

160 months

Sunday 24th July 2022
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No, im an electronics technician.

Anyway, i chose the French side of the border. Still looks fairly urbanised, from google maps at least, plus i get paid a swiss salary with only slightly inflated French costs of living.

I start 1st of October. Very exciting.

The Mad Monk

10,493 posts

120 months

Sunday 24th July 2022
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Benbay001 said:
Hi All.

Hope you can help.

Ive just completed the first stage of two interview process for a position at a research establishment outside Geneva (no prizes if you can guess who).

I have had a small disagreement with my mum and her partner about the cost of living in Switzerland (they lived in Zug for 4 years).

I believe the position should pay at least 5600CHF a month net of taxes but my mum and her partner think i will find it difficult to live on that much in Geneva. Now i appreciate im not going to be living like a king, but i currently live in a 1 bed flat in the UK and will be happy to live somewhere similar if i was to relocate, i dont eat extravagantly and i am fairly good at living frugally.

I was basically wondering what level of life i can expect to live on 5600CHF a month after taxes. Am i going to feel poor?


Edit: Also, i have two cars in the UK, one is a 2009 Toyota iQ, the other is a 2001 Corvette (US import) if i was to make the move how hard is it to register these in Switzerland? I have owned both for more than a year.

I hope i dont sound like im jumping the gun, i just want to have all my ducks in a line in case i get a phonecall from the prospective employer.

Edited by Benbay001 on Saturday 20th February 21:17

A bit late

Stop discussing your private affairs with your mother.


279 posts

126 months

Sunday 24th July 2022
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Best of luck with your new job OP. If you set off now, you might get there in time.


241 posts

28 months

Sunday 24th July 2022
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Don’t live in France near Geneva it sucks

Try and live on the correct side of the lake in eaux vives or as close to .

The Cern side of the lake is nasty .

Good luck

Again do NOT move to Ferney Voltaire or anywhere in France , your soul will die .

Edited by 911r on Sunday 24th July 10:15


241 posts

28 months

Sunday 24th July 2022
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Oh but join the CERN ski club it is supposed to be very fun !


86 posts

191 months

Tuesday 2nd August 2022
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Not sure of your working hours, but if you could face 1hr commute you could try Chamonix. I live there and for me its the best place in the world, busy year round and loads to do sports wise as well as shops, bars and restaurants,


241 posts

28 months

Tuesday 2nd August 2022
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martinr007 said:
Not sure of your working hours, but if you could face 1hr commute you could try Chamonix. I live there and for me its the best place in the world, busy year round and loads to do sports wise as well as shops, bars and restaurants,
That’s a fair point , CERN is just off the motorway . You can escape the Geneva misery all together .

Or Annecy is stunning and a lil closer

Cheap af to

Edited by 911r on Tuesday 2nd August 21:57


979 posts

212 months

Friday 5th August 2022
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Some good advice here.

We lived (almost 20 years ago now) first in the old town on Place du Bourg-de-Four and latterly in Collonges-Bellerive. I would avoid much further out than Eaux-Vives if you're going there as the bus in and crossing the river every day will be a pain. Public transport isn't Geneva's strong point, especially for those of us with experience elsewhere in Switzerland.

If a flat in somewhere a bit 'edgier' (relative term here) is possible I've been to some fantastic places in both Paquis and Plainpalais.

As for cars, I'd get something when you're out here. Alternatively if you live in the centre you might be able to get away with having no car and renting when you need it (we did, but this stopped being as easy when we moved to Collonges)

I know a bunch of people in the HR team at CERN and they're excellent. I suspect if you do get the job there'd be someone who can advice you on finding somewhere to live. Like the UN they'll be geared up to a workforce constantly moving in-and-out.

As long as you adapt to how the Swiss live you'll be fine. That salary net is above the Swiss average. Apart from housing your big expenditure will be healthcare.

Good luck


241 posts

28 months

Friday 5th August 2022
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chandrew said:
Some good advice here.

We lived (almost 20 years ago now) first in the old town on Place du Bourg-de-Four and latterly in Collonges-Bellerive. I would avoid much further out than Eaux-Vives if you're going there as the bus in and crossing the river every day will be a pain. Public transport isn't Geneva's strong point, especially for those of us with experience elsewhere in Switzerland.

If a flat in somewhere a bit 'edgier' (relative term here) is possible I've been to some fantastic places in both Paquis and Plainpalais.

As for cars, I'd get something when you're out here. Alternatively if you live in the centre you might be able to get away with having no car and renting when you need it (we did, but this stopped being as easy when we moved to Collonges)

I know a bunch of people in the HR team at CERN and they're excellent. I suspect if you do get the job there'd be someone who can advice you on finding somewhere to live. Like the UN they'll be geared up to a workforce constantly moving in-and-out.

As long as you adapt to how the Swiss live you'll be fine. That salary net is above the Swiss average. Apart from housing your big expenditure will be healthcare.

Good luck
Paquis is a hell scape imho


Original Poster:

5,802 posts

160 months

Tuesday 25th October 2022
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Just for continuity, im not living in France. I move into a small house in Thoiry in December.

Thanks for all the advice.