2022/23 Honda civic steering problems

2022/23 Honda civic steering problems



Original Poster:

31 posts

22 months

Tuesday 19th December 2023
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Hi, well this is a tale how Honda cars, one of the largest manufacturers of cars deals with its customers. I purchased a new Honda civic hybrid in 2022, this was based on the understanding that Honda was a well known brand and made safe reliable cars. Well that view ended a few weeks ago. Driving along the m5 motorway at around 70/75 mph I found that the steering was hard to move from the 12 0 clock position, then it would go light making me over adjust the steering. This went on all the way along the motorway until I was able to turn off. It was not a very nice feeling at all. On the return journey, to start with the steering was ok, then it started playing up again. The car now as 13000 miles on it. So on my return home, I contacted both my local Honda dealer, who right off the bet, blamed me for driving on the motorway. Honda U.K., said that there was no recall, and they know nothing about steering problems. However a little investigation turned up that Honda do know about steering problems on their civics and in fact there are a number of legal actions being taken out against them in America. In fact so bad is the problem that two people have all ready been killed due to steering failure in these model year civics.
Honda U.K., knowing selling cars that have a major problem with the cars steering. Yet they are doing nothing about it. Owners of these cars now have a car that is basically unsafe at motorway speeds. So much for Honda caring about its customers, or indeed the safety of road users in general. What a nightmare of a company.


Original Poster:

31 posts

22 months

Tuesday 19th December 2023
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Let’s DO get it right. Yes I did drive it home, but dropped the speed down to 50mph and stuck behind an HGV. OK


Original Poster:

31 posts

22 months

Friday 22nd December 2023
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Hi, it’s the new hybrid model.


Original Poster:

31 posts

22 months

Saturday 23rd December 2023
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Just an update. Honda dealer did not show a lot of interest. And tried to take me it was not a problem at all. Sort of saying it was all in my mind. After that nonsense. I sold the car back too Honda. I have a masters degree in engineering and no ball sh.t when I smell it.
So goodbye Honda.


Original Poster:

31 posts

22 months

Thursday 28th December 2023
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In answer, if the American 11th generation civics have lane assist, with the electric power steering and windshield camera then it’s the same as the hybrid.


Original Poster:

31 posts

22 months

Wednesday 10th January
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Yes it does


Original Poster:

31 posts

22 months

Thursday 18th January
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That Mazda problem is not the same. For one thing the Mazda problem one in which once the problem starts it remains. The Honda problem is intermittent. I believe that Honda is just ducking the whole issue. If you take a look at how they took no action on the 1.5 turbo engines letting fuel get into the oil on start up you will soon see that they don't give a dam for their customers. I do believe that part of the problem is that the whole car industry now thinks so short term. With the rise of the PCP nonsense, they now have a customer base that only thinks in terms of three to four years. So what is the point in making cars that cost more to manufacture, so last longer. When they can pack their new cars with high tech rubbish with showroom looks, but with so many quality corners cut to keep costs low and profits high. I know that the BMW 5 series I purchased in 2021 was so full of high spec technology that it did turn my head. But after a few months of ownership and driving, you start to see that the quality is just skin deep. And it broke down so many times, I had to hand the car back. This was my reason for going Honda, my first and last one.


Original Poster:

31 posts

22 months

Thursday 18th January
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I done not know what more I can add.after both Honda uk and my local dealer did nothing and the problem was I think getting worse I sold the car. It's now for sale at a Honda dealer. Until Honda uk send out a recall on this issue then you are on your own. And I have been told that new steering parts come in at around £4000 fitted. And they will just go wrong again later.


Original Poster:

31 posts

22 months

Thursday 15th February
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I don't think you will get a lot of joy from Honda uk. I did like the civic, but I just had to sale it.


Original Poster:

31 posts

22 months

Monday 11th March
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In all cases lane assist is off. This is a very well known problem with the Honda civic hybrid. It's been going on forums in America and Canada for over two years now, as they get the new models before the uk. If it was as easy as turning the lane assist off, don't you think people would of done that.


Original Poster:

31 posts

22 months

Saturday 16th March
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1000 miles is not time enough for the problem to show. My steering started to show the issue after 13250 miles, and then only at speed. A lot of civics are effected. In America, Honda are helping drivers now. In the uk nothing. I sold the civic back to a Honda dealer, as no one else wanted or even made an offer on the car. We buy any car offer was less then a third of the current value. I see now that the Honda dealer as the car up for sale at £2000 more then I paid for it when it only had 300 miles on the clock. I feel very sorry for who ever buys the car.