Drunk Driver did this...

Drunk Driver did this...



Original Poster:

4,721 posts

203 months

Thursday 29th January 2009
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Ralph... Was parked outside my house and a drunk driver crashed into him......

He tried to drive off, i caught him mind...(he broke his front wishbone) Dragged him out through his window, arm lock on; head driven in to his bonnet... called police with free arm... apprantly he was going to "do me" for assult. I wish i had pulled his fking arms off! Only had the car 4 weeks..... Afterwards i had a half bottle of whiskey and a long cry.....


4,457 posts

239 months

Thursday 29th January 2009
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That's all you did to him? I'm impressed with your restraint.


Original Poster:

4,721 posts

203 months

Thursday 29th January 2009
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Glosphil said:
That's all you did to him? I'm impressed with your restraint.
believe me when i say it took the best of me not to do more. But as much as i hate it i have the rules of public decency drilled to my very core..... I am a public servant after all...


23 posts

188 months

Thursday 29th January 2009
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i fcensoreding hate drink drivers. all credit to you for not repeatedly smashing his head off the floor!! banghead


718 posts

212 months

Thursday 29th January 2009
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kill him


17,174 posts

260 months

Thursday 29th January 2009
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crikes, i can still remember your 'shall i buy this car?' thread.

oh well, looking forward to the 'shall i get a DC5 thread?'. A. Yes

snorkel sucker

2,663 posts

208 months

Thursday 29th January 2009
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in the nicest possible way, im glad that you were actually there to catch him - imagine if the no good scum would have driven off!!!!

hope you get a ruddy good payout which puts you in the market for another one, or maybe something else you fancy.

Loved my CTR - a belting hot hatch.

Well done with the restraint by the way - i hope he banged his head as you dragged him out the window, and the arm lock was suitably tight...


6,687 posts

211 months

Thursday 29th January 2009
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Thats terrible, im not sure I would have been able to show the constraint that you did. Are the insurance company likely to pay out due to the driver being drunk? I hope they do for your sake.


6,012 posts

289 months

Thursday 29th January 2009
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Poor Ralph frown


Original Poster:

4,721 posts

203 months

Thursday 29th January 2009
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Just got a call. Its being fixed. Its the result i wanted. I have to pay my excess though, apprently i can claim it back but its money i dont have right now..... Thankyou for your kind comments. I am happy in the knowledge that the bloke has lost his licence, hopefully his job, bit of luck bankruptcy will kick in, and he might get herpies... failing that when he gets his licence back next year, the car he gets might suffer from that rare but dangerous "spontanious combustion" disease.....


308 posts

197 months

Thursday 29th January 2009
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I think ripping his arms off would be too kind!! such a shame mate, hope all is sorted soon.


4,000 posts

192 months

Thursday 29th January 2009
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Like everyone has said I am suprised at your restraint!
Hope it gets sorted and the driver gets the book thrown at him.


718 posts

212 months

Friday 30th January 2009
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Is he dead yet?

if not, kill him. With sticks.


30,635 posts

240 months

Friday 30th January 2009
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Really sorry to hear that. But very good news on catching the f'wit. I bet the police can't charge him with leaving the scene of an accident or anything worthwhile though (we all know the DUI charge will mean nothing).

Hope they get it sorted properly...if it's your insurance for the moment, insist on it going to a properly good body shop, not one of their 'approved' ones (which typically are 2nd rate). They can't refuse you*. The regional forum on here should be able to come up with some ideas if you're stuck.

Best of luck with the car,


* Might not be entitled to a guaranteed courtesy car though, unless the bodyshop has one to spare, or unless fault has already been decided in your favour, in which case the bodyshop can hire you 'an equivalent' and recharge it back to the scrote's insurance co. Also may be worth having a quiet word initially with someone like AnniesDad.


3,975 posts

203 months

Saturday 31st January 2009
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Ouch ! I think you were quite restrained in your action to be honest, i'd be quite worried if it happened to me ! What a tt

Did you find out how much it would cost to repair yet?


Original Poster:

4,721 posts

203 months

Saturday 31st January 2009
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7 Grand.... I am pleased though. Despite being insured up to my eye brows it was hassle having to get a new car, finish finance agreement etc etc... Not to mention i was worried that i would no longer have my no claims (i know i am a cock i did'nt protect them!) but Its being repaired by Honda, and i get a 5 year warrenty.. so pleased but i am without my car for a month.... frown


3,687 posts

236 months

Monday 2nd February 2009
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As much as it is frustrating, you DONT want him to lose his job.

Your excess will take a long time for him to repay if he's only able to afford £1 a week...


Original Poster:

4,721 posts

203 months

Tuesday 3rd February 2009
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Oh i do really! i do want him to lose his job... because then he might default on Mortgage or become homeless, or even better take up heroin and have to we his arse to tramps for money to by more of the good stuff. and then die of bum death...painfully. I will pay the excess, and i am likly to claim most of it back due to the recovery agents cocking about.. swings and roundabouts....

Monkey Tennis

1,079 posts

188 months

Tuesday 3rd February 2009
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Hope you got a courtesy car for the full month. Really can't imagine how I'd feel in the same situation. Totally agree with your hopes for as much pain and suffering for this waste of space in the future though - was only through luck rather than his own 'judgement' that prevented it being a person he was leaving scrapes and dents all down the side of instead.


147 posts

196 months

Monday 9th February 2009
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Hells bells :S Id have murdered the guy mate. Im also impressed at your restraint.

Drink driving really pees me off. I know this sounds bad for you, but Im glad he'd hit your car, not a child or Ginge getting out of the car or anything :S

Hope insurance pay out swiftly and he gets the punishment he deserves mate.
