Anyone no wots happenin win Mr Mopar?

Anyone no wots happenin win Mr Mopar?



Original Poster:

13 posts

218 months

Tuesday 10th October 2006
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One of my favourite cars this year was John o'Sullivan's Mr Mopar pro mod pop. He ran a few early events (the thunderball, main event and the summer nationals) but haven't seen him since. Anyone no wots happening wiv the car?


24,184 posts

229 months

Tuesday 10th October 2006
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Hopefully got it booked in at ARRC OR Jon W's to try and get it going straight I would hope....

Looked an absolute animal everytime I saw it......

"Launch" was about the right word I thought......

I reckon even the old fuel coupes from the 70's went straighter !!!!

Very brave man IMHO.



19 posts

218 months

Wednesday 11th October 2006
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John has a few bits to do including a new set of rods, should be back out Easter next year


665 posts

219 months

Thursday 12th October 2006
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I believe John had a talking to by the RAC MSA Steward after one pass on the Sunday of the Summer Nationals. Something about not lifting...