Dragster/altered outlines

Dragster/altered outlines



Original Poster:

676 posts

222 months

Monday 2nd October 2006
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hi all, im looking for some plain 2D/3D dragster and altered outline drawings so i can have a play with paint schemes and modify them a bit. ive had a traul around but not really found much. something along the lines of what power race graphics use would be nice.

any ideas?sonar


584 posts

219 months

Tuesday 3rd October 2006
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People like Darren (PRG), Eddie Hollon, Rod Burke, Greg Ozubko (GOS) etc and myself all build our templates in layers completely from scratch which actually takes quite some time and calls for some experience in such a specialist area. Thats why a professional paintscheme/sponsorship rendering costs $$$'s, whether it be traditionally hand drawn or digitally illustrated. Very often the template, especially for a sportsman car will only be used once and then only kept on file for revisions to that car and that car only. If you do find anything on the internet the likelyhood is that it will be by one of a small group of guys and even more likely one of the above and will be subject to the owners copyright.

I could draw you an outline, as could any of the other guys, but by the time I've done a one-off the cost would be around £120 minimum for a side and "half top" view and then you consider that to do the full paintscheme wouldn't cost that much more.


Edited by TheMighty on Tuesday 3rd October 10:20


Original Poster:

676 posts

222 months

Tuesday 3rd October 2006
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Was'nt realy after one with a paint scheme or anything was more after something plain kind of blueprint style so i could change bodyshapes, wing angles and engine locations etc. the copywrite thing is why i have'nt already ripped one off the net

Edited by hodgy587 on Tuesday 3rd October 18:02