Carnival Dragster

Carnival Dragster



Original Poster:

21 posts

219 months

Monday 2nd October 2006
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whilst everyone else was working with the real thing at the Nationals I was was upto this in my home town...

and I wish to extend my thanks to:

Andy Carter and teams help with drawings, images and decals and to Luke Bennett for searching for badges.


729 posts

219 months

Monday 2nd October 2006
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That is quality! bet the little fella was over the moon!

Time Machine

487 posts

256 months

Monday 2nd October 2006
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What was the occasion?

Miss Corrado

603 posts

219 months

Monday 2nd October 2006
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Was it like a procession through a town centre with different floats?

It looks absolutely awesome. Well done on a fabulous project.


Original Poster:

21 posts

219 months

Monday 2nd October 2006
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the occasion is an annual carnival in Shaftesbury, and this was the childrens display in the afternoon, followed by an illuminated procession in the evening. We didn't do the evening, technical prob with the wheels coming loose and little one v tired ( he's nearly 4) and did a fair bit of the steering himself, I was by the roll cage just incase!

It was purely built for the one procession, even though we have been invited to Gillingham Dorset but logistics, speed humps and transport are major problems.

It is over 5.5m long, with full functioning steering and a CB block (cardboard boxes). The wife and i have joked about doing a funny car for next year...


Time Machine

487 posts

256 months

Monday 2nd October 2006
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It is certainly a fantastic effort, looks really good.

What is it made from (apart from cardboard :-) ) ?


29 posts

219 months

Monday 2nd October 2006
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That is the *best* *thing* *evvah*. I'm allowed to use silly spellings because it's just so awesome. My dad dug me a car out of the sand on Sandbanks beach when I was little. But not a cardboard dragster.