Hakan Fallstroms Helmet...

Hakan Fallstroms Helmet...



Original Poster:

24,184 posts

229 months

Tuesday 26th September 2006
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As it were...

Antone got any good pics of his skull painted lid that he wears in the Fueller ?

Saw a quick glimpse, it looked awesome.



jon c

3,214 posts

255 months

Tuesday 26th September 2006
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Original Poster:

24,184 posts

229 months

Tuesday 26th September 2006
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Thats where I saw it first (thanks Tog and crew ), I was hoping someone had a better pic.

I did hang around their pit at the finals all camera'd up, but to no avail.

Im trying to plan a Drag based tattoo or too you see.........

jon c

3,214 posts

255 months

Tuesday 26th September 2006
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OK, erm, there are some visor up shots of Haken on the Lorentzen & Moeller website photo page www.tf25.com/eng/photo.html . If you look at the two galleries for main event 2006, there are a couple of good shots about halfway through the slideshow you are taken too, (if that makes sense!)


15,704 posts

257 months

Tuesday 26th September 2006
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awesome awesome awesome helmet... really really really want it... although I'd look a bit funny wearing that in the eunos!
