Old footage


The Enthusiast

Original Poster:

274 posts

219 months

Monday 25th September 2006
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Iam interested in old footage from the 60s/80s. Time Travel dvds of Nick Pettitt were taken from the spectators. What I want to know is was their any footage taken from the press back then?( early cannonball/finals etc.)I know their was a private film company when Darrell Gwynn raced. I have seen old photographs where people are filming near the startline. Surely someone has them?


24,184 posts

229 months

Monday 25th September 2006
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Ive still got decade of thrills,nitro zap, and ult street bike '88 and '89 on video if thats any help.



6,333 posts

258 months

Monday 25th September 2006
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I've got a tape called "Crash n Splash", which has some good footage from Santa Pod in what I'm guessing is the late Eighties. Has some stuff with Tom Hoover and, best of all, a brief chat with Sammy Miller and some nice footage of Vanishing Point running.