Tony Bowden - The Hitman

Tony Bowden - The Hitman



Original Poster:

163 posts

219 months

Friday 22nd September 2006
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trying to find information into Tony's racing career until his tragic accident.

Looking for a friend who used to crew / build engines for him

Any info would be lovely



665 posts

219 months

Friday 22nd September 2006
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Try doing a search using the correct spelling of his name which was Tony Boden...


Original Poster:

163 posts

219 months

Friday 22nd September 2006
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NitroWars said:
Try doing a search using the correct spelling of his name which was Tony Boden...

Thank you

Will try


24,184 posts

229 months

Friday 22nd September 2006
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Sorry, cant help on info, but had a quick look thru the 1000's of pics due to scanned, and came up with these 2.Cant recall the dates Im fraid.Tragic end to his life tho....

edited to space pics out

Edited by Furyous on Friday 22 September 16:19


32 posts

219 months

Friday 22nd September 2006
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Drop me a line at I have some info that you might like regarding the racing career of Tony Boden and the Top Fuellers and Funny Cars he used to race at Long Marston and Santa Pod Raceway's as part of my Drag Racing Family Tree's project.

The Enthusiast

274 posts

219 months

Saturday 23rd September 2006
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My dad would be interested. Could I have the info aswell?

User D

19 posts

254 months

Monday 25th September 2006
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I can't help with the crew info but I do have vivid memories of Tony Boden bunnyhopping his top fueller across a grassy recreation ground slope at Ludgvan, near Penzance in Cornwall, in the early eightees. I was in my mid teens (so maybe about 1980-81) and was visiting a car show with my mate's big brother in his bright pink Autralian Chrysler Charger...
The sound and fury associated with the drag car caught my imagination immediately and another drag devotee was born. Today I look forward to having a go myself in the next small bit of sunshine we get.
Tony's early death at the wheel of his mighty beast was a tragic event and still makes me sad when I think back to the day I read the news in 'Custom Car' magazine all those years ago.
