Where's my nearest drags?

Where's my nearest drags?


user D

Original Poster:

19 posts

254 months

Tuesday 19th September 2006
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Does anyone know of a drag venue nearer to me than Santa Pod and York Raceway?
These are the only drag racing venues I know of and since I live in Cornwall visiting either of them is a long drive. Surely there's a drag track of some description tucked away somewhere in the south west?


62 months

Tuesday 19th September 2006
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Shakespeare County Raceway, Warwickshire.

Web - www.shakespearecountyraceway.com

It's the closest for anybody based in the South West of the country I think.


15,704 posts

257 months

Tuesday 19th September 2006
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Yup, shakey is the nearest to you that is a sanctioned track.. Although there may be some airfields that are used for drag type events closer..

Shakey isn't too far from the M5, so it shouldn't be too much of a drive, although if you want to race your road car, make sure you've got sufficient recovery cover... just in case!



170 posts

219 months

Tuesday 19th September 2006
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This weekend 23/24 at Raf portreath just north of Redruth. It is a bike rwyb but they do allow a limited number of cars on the quarter mile.