drag racing at santa pod

drag racing at santa pod



Original Poster:

3,545 posts

231 months

Wednesday 13th September 2006
quotequote all
nice one Ted thumbup

a forum to talk about very loud and very fast cars.... and as I agreed it would be a good idea to have its own forum, thought it would be rude not to start a post hehe

for anyone that has never been to a drag race before, I recommend you do it at least once in your lifetime, it is such an adrenaline buzz

santa pod is well catered for having regular drag events throughout the year

Drag racing at Santa Pod raceway...website

you can go for the day, or camp out for the whole weekend, which is what we used to prefer to do, and then get woken up by the noise of a top fueller ears

some of my greatest memories from a few years ago are from drag meets, the racing and evening entertainment alike.