So Embarrassed



Original Poster:

208 posts

275 months

Wednesday 30th August 2006
quotequote all

It finally happened. Cycling along lastnight about 8 miles in to my regular
25 mile jaunt on the local cycle path when i came to the junction where it
crosses a main road and has pedestrian/cycle lights.
Stopped because the traffic was heavy put my foot down pressed the button
and somehow started to keel over on the right hand side where my foot was still
clipped into the pedal.
Couldn't get my foot out totally unable to stop myself fell over just as the lights
stopped all the cars. Finally got my foot free after bashing my knee and elbow got up
smartish and took off before the lights changed hoping there was no one i knew in the
traffic queue. Didn't think this could actually happen until now what a bl**dy idiot.
