best mountain bike reccomendations

best mountain bike reccomendations



Original Poster:

5,958 posts

241 months

Thursday 10th August 2006
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Any ideas on a pair of good mountain bikes , his and hers for France , must be full suspension models please give prices



Original Poster:

5,958 posts

241 months

Thursday 10th August 2006
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was looking at a couple of trek fuel 80 at around 950
anywhere up to 2k for two bikes
do alot of cycling when i can but its all road racing , so fancy a change bit off road

as possibilities anyone reccommend these? or are they over rated
looking at off road canal paths around Brittany and just going for a blast , want something durable that will last

Edited by DBSV8 on Thursday 10th August 20:42


Original Poster:

5,958 posts

241 months

Friday 11th August 2006
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Phil Hopkins said:
I'd second Graham with the Orange Bikes. (i'm biased, I have two).

If you are specifically looking for Full Sus just for knocking around on, the Orange Five is a FANTASTIC bike.

Buy British!

Edited by Phil Hopkins on Friday 11th August 09:23

Thanks guys

like the look of the G7 and fits nicely into the 900 mark .......Also British and at the mo im mightly pissed off with the news regarding Flights / US etc........really

going to make my travel from Siberia to blighty that bit more crap !!!!
bloody politcs , bloody yanks , bloody hell ...

need to get out of here and on my bike !!!